
arabia n.阿拉伯半島〔亞洲〕。


Relationship history and current situation between saudi arabia and russia 沙關系發展的歷史與現狀

Saudi arabia , where mark was waiting ] with the police 移送到了沙特時馬克已經在當地警局恭候他了

Why would saudi arabia become reluctant 為什么沙特阿拉伯不愿

Saudi arabia is hard to pin down 要給沙特阿拉伯定位是困難的。

But no replies from saudi arabia yet 但還沒有沙特阿拉伯的回信

. . . that arises when george h . w . bush visits saudi arabia . . . . .他們的確也在這種身份混淆中得益. .

The caliph of bagdad flew on his magic carpet to arabia 巴格達的國王駕著魔毯飛到了阿拉伯半島。

Saudi arabia , where mark was waiting with the police 移送到了沙特時馬克已經在當地警局恭候他了

1983 assistant , arabia ceramic factory 1983年阿拉比亞陶瓷廠助理

Drilling and workover technology in saudi arabia 沙特鉆修井技術

The caliph of bagdad fly on his magic carpet to arabia 巴格達的國王駕著魔毯飛到了阿拉伯半島。

Saudi arabia , for one , has been selling less oil of late 而沙特阿拉伯最近便減少了石油的售賣。

Royal consulate general of saudi arabia 沙特阿拉伯駐香港總領事館

The influence of arabia - islam culture on renaissance in europe 伊斯蘭文化對歐洲文藝復興的影響

Saudi arabia finance brave the wind and waves 乘風破浪的沙特金融業

Was appointed ambassador to saudi arabia .他被指派出任沙特阿拉伯外使

1992 arabia museum , helsinki , finland 1992年芬蘭赫爾辛基阿拉比亞博物館

Population , labour structure and employment condition in saudi arabia 勞力結構和就業狀況

Arabia ceramic museum , helsinki , finland 芬蘭赫爾辛基阿拉比亞陶藝博物館