
arabesque adj.1.阿拉伯式的。2.精致的;奇異的。3.蔓藤花紋...

Its predominant vein was , in poe ' s own phrase , “ the grotesque and arabesque . 它的最主要的特點,用坡自己的話說,就是“怪誕和奇異。 ”


He wore a vest of garnet - colored velvet , with buttons of cut gold ; a silk waistcoat covered with embroidery ; a roman scarf tied round his neck ; a cartridge - box worked with gold , and red and green silk ; sky - blue velvet breeches , fastened above the knee with diamond buckles ; garters of deerskin , worked with a thousand arabesques , and a hat whereon hung ribbons of all colors ; two watches hung from his girdle , and a splendid poniard was in his belt 他穿著一件榴紅色天鵝絨的上衣,上面釘著雪亮的金紐扣一件繡滿了花的緞子背心,脖子上圍著一條羅馬的領巾掛著一只用金色,紅色和綠色絲錦繡花的彈藥盒天藍色天鵝絨的短褲,褲腳管到膝頭上部為止,是用鉆石紐扣扣緊了的。一雙阿拉伯式的鹿皮長統靴和一頂拖著五色絲帶的帽子。他的腰帶上掛著兩只表,皮帶里拖著一把精致的匕首。

In some years , april bursts upon our virginia hills in one prodigious leap - and all the stage is filled at once , whole choruses of tulips , arabesques of forsythia , cadenzas of flowering plums 有些年份,春天一個健步就躍上我們家鄉弗吉尼亞的群山一瞬間,整個舞臺活躍起來:郁金香齊聲歡唱,連翹花翩翩起舞,怒放的洋李婉轉吟哦。

It was completed in 1932 . what kind of feelings did people in the 1930 s have when they looked up at this clock tower decked with arabesque patterns using genuine stones and bronze 這座竣工于昭和7年( 1932 ) ,由天然石塊及青銅建成的對稱性建筑曾留給昭和初期的人們怎樣的想象

As he struck the wall , pieces of stucco similar to that used in the ground work of arabesques broke off , and fell to the ground in flakes , exposing a large white stone 洞壁上掉下來一塊象阿拉伯式雕刻襯底用的那種涂料,跌在地上碎成了片片,露出了一塊白色的大石塊來。

A ground - floor , ornamented with arabesques , bathing its terraces in the water , and another floor , looking on the lake , was all which was visible to the eye 我們力所能及看到的,不過是一座二層樓的建筑,墻上雕著阿拉伯式的花紋,露臺一半浸在湖水里。

Its predominant vein was , in poe ' s own phrase , “ the grotesque and arabesque . 它的最主要的特點,用坡自己的話說,就是“怪誕和奇異。 ”

Arabesque de face 面向觀眾阿拉伯式舞姿

I like carpets with arabesque patterns 我喜歡帶有阿拉伯式花飾的地毯。