
arabella n.阿拉貝拉〔女子名〕。


A few weeks later , when harry was appearing before the wizengamot to account for his using magic during the dementor attack , arabella figg testified on his behalf 幾個星期后,哈利現在魔法部,為他在攝魂怪襲擊他時使用了魔法接受審判。阿爾貝拉費格站出來為他作證。

Arabella doreen figg is an eccentric woman who wears tartan carpet slippers and a housecoat when out shopping for tinned cat food at the corner shop 阿爾貝拉多利安費格是一個奇怪的女人,當她到拐角商店買罐頭貓糧時,她總是穿著格子地毯拖鞋和一件家常服。

Dumbledore was furious with him and arabella figg beat him around the head and body with her string shopping bag full of tins of cat food 鄧不利多對此很憤怒,而阿拉貝拉?費格也用她裝滿貓食罐頭的網袋狠狠地揍了他的腦袋和身子。

She knew exactly how far it was to the inn that arabella had named as her lodging . 從這兒到艾拉白拉說她住的那個客棧有多遠,她知道得很準確。

Two or three days later he heard that arabella and her parents had departed . 又過了兩三天,他聽說艾拉白拉和她的父母已經起身走了。

It was extraordinary how far removed from his life arabella seemed to be . 艾拉白拉現在的生活和他離得那樣遠,簡直是不可思議的。

He nodded to arabella . 他跟艾拉白拉點了點頭。