
arab n.1.阿拉伯人。2.阿拉伯馬。3.街頭流浪兒(= st...

“drinker of the wind,“ the arab lovingly calls his horse . 阿拉伯人親昵地稱他的馬為“飲風者”。

“they are arabs going at full speed,“ said tom . “這是些阿拉伯人,他們跑得飛快。”湯姆說。


He repeated the standard soviet line on a mideast settlement, which amounted to blanket support of the hard-line arabs . 他再次重復了蘇聯解決中東問題的老一套的路線,實際上等于全盤支持阿拉伯人的強硬路線。

We have made a very serious effort, in this crisis, to take seriously into account arab concerns and arab views . 在這場危機中,我們一直非常認真努力,要把阿拉伯人感到關切的事和阿拉伯人的看法考慮在內。

We must not get away with just having this thing hang over for another four years and have us at odds with the arab world . 我們不能只是讓這場沖突再拖上四年就此甩手不管,而使自己同阿拉伯世界對立起來。

The arabs were so astonished at their success in getting across the prewar line at all that it had turned their heads . 阿拉伯人對自己竟然能夠成功地越過戰前的分界線感到如此驚訝以致被弄得暈頭轉向。

Our traditional friends among arab moderated would be profoundly unnerved by the evident fact of us-soviet condominium . 這種明顯的美蘇共管的局面將使我們在阿拉伯溫和派中的老朋友畏縮不前。

Through trade and travel the europeans had come into contact with the arabs of the mediterraneam area and the near east . 歐洲人通過貿易和旅游,同地中海地區和近東的阿拉伯人發生接觸。

The hindus and arabs were aware of the totally new concept of mathematical proof promulgated by the greeks . 印度人和阿拉伯人懂得希臘人所揭示的對于數學證明的那種全然新穎的想法。

If the arabs sense that the israelis have lost more than they have admitted, they might rush in . 如果阿拉伯人覺察到以色列的損失比他們承認的還要大,那么阿拉伯人就可能一擁而上。

If they did poorly, moscow thought it could emerge, as in 1967, the champion of the arab cause . 如果他們打得不好,莫斯科認為它會象1967年一樣以阿拉伯事業擁護者的姿態出現。

The arab nations and their allies in the middle east control 55 percent of the world's proved oil reserves . 阿拉伯各國以及他們的中東盟國擁有世界石油已知蘊藏量的55。

An arab uprising against us, which the germans were definitely trying to foment, would have been disastrous . 德國顯然試行策劃阿拉伯對我之暴動,以造成極大的危機。

The arab assault was deliberate, not even remotely prompted by fear of an israeli attack . 阿拉伯發動進攻是經過深思熟慮的,絲毫不是因為懼怕以色列的進攻而引起的。

The arab countries had too little confidence in their arms and too much faith in their rhetoric . 阿拉伯國家對它們的武裝信心太小,而對它們的空喊又信心太大了。

Arab governments would undertake to control the operations of guerrilla forces from their territory . 阿拉伯各國政府也將設法約束游擊隊在他們領土上開展活動。

A principal factor in the situation was the arab population and its explosive potentialities . 其中主要的因素是阿拉伯的人民,以及它具有暴動的可能性。

This threat may be of greater immediate relevance to other arab states than to jordan . 這種威脅對約旦來說可能不如對其他阿拉伯國家那樣有直接的影響。

We reached morocco around 10∶00 that evening, for my first step on arab soil . 我們大概在當天晚上十時左右到達摩洛哥,這是我第一次踏上阿拉伯國土。