
ar 短語和例子AR =1.account receivabl...

Ar spada . “ faria followed him with an excited look 法利亞用興奮的目光注視著他。


Ar eyou giving me some static ? - no 你在糊弄我嗎? -不是

- ar eyou giving me some static ? - no -你在糊弄我嗎? -不是

You are to pass through the territory of moab , through ar , today 18你今天要從摩押的境界亞珥經過。

The ones iving here ar e such peop e 住在這里的人們都是這樣

Ars ? st holes in the celestial spheres 星星?天球上的洞而已

A : thanks for getting me ar appointment with your hairdresser 謝謝你為我安排和你的美發師的約會。

Quasi - static - state gain in ne - like ar capillary discharge pumped x - ray laser 光激光中的準穩態增益

Submitting terms and pretreatment of k - ar and ar - ar dating samples 氬定年樣品的送樣要求及預處理

When we sh ne the iight ar ound us to see mor e 當我們把注意力集中在身邊以便看清自身處境的時候

Ar : then you ' ll have to pay a 50 - dollar fine . i ' m sorry 地勤?那你要再付五十塊超重費。很抱歉。

Do you go by you first name ar work 在工作中,你是使用你的名字嗎

Ar can also help to design production lines 基于“增大化現實”技術還能有助于設計各種生產線。

A car takes us near or far - ar - ar - ar - ar 這車帶我們去近及遠的地方。

Fred ' s jokes ar ie always so corny 弗雷德的笑話總是如此毫無新意。

Then you two ar e happ y t ogether 那么現在你們兩個在一起很開心吧

Stability analysis of ar - type nonlinear time series models 型非線性時間序列模型的穩定性分析

There are soldiers in the vietnam w ar right now 他們現在都在越南

Discussion on gas analysis in fractionated ar 餾份氣體成分分析的討論