
aquiline adj.1.鷹的,似鷹的。2.(像鷹嘴那樣)彎曲的。短語...


For a handsome and not an unamiable - looking man , he repelled me exceedingly : there was no power in that smooth - skinned face of a full oval shape : no firmness in that aquiline nose and small cherry mouth ; there was no thought on the low , even forehead ; no command in that blank , brown eye 這樣一個漂亮而且看來也并非不和藹的男人,卻使我極為討厭。在那光滑的鵝蛋形臉蛋上沒有魄力在那個鷹鉤鼻和那張櫻桃小口上缺少堅毅在那低平的額頭上沒有思想在那空洞的褐色眼睛里沒有控制力。

She could see at once by his dark eyes and his pale intellectual face that he was a foreigner , the image of the photo she had of martin harvey , the matine idol , only for the moustache which she preferred because she wasn t stagestruck like winny rippingham that wanted they two to always dress the same on account of a play but she could not see whether he had an aquiline nose or a slightly retmuss from where he was sitting 從他那雙黑眼睛和蒼白而富于理智的臉來看,他是個外國人,長得跟她所收藏的那幀紅極一時的小生馬丁哈維40的照片一模一樣。只不過多了兩撇小胡子。然而她更喜歡有胡子,因為她不像溫妮里平哈姆那樣一心一意想當演員,看了一出戲41后就說咱們老是穿同樣的衣服吧。

Good day , age about forty , height about five feet nine , black hair , generally rather handsome visage , complexion dark , eyes dark , thin long and sallow face , aquiline nose but not straight , having a peculiar inclination towards the left cheek which imparts a sinister expression 日安,年紀四十左右,身高五英尺九左右,黑頭發,面孔算得上漂亮,膚色偏黑,深色眼珠,臉瘦長灰質,鼻子鷹鉤形,但不直,往左面頰作特別角度的傾斜,形成一種陰險的表情!

Something morbid and significant attached to that sunburn , was martin s thought as he returned to a study of the face , narrow , with high cheek - bones and cavernous hollows , and graced with as delicate and fine an aquiline nose as martin had ever seen 那曬黑的皮膚上有某種病態的東西,令人納悶,馬丁回頭再研究他的面部時想。那臉瘦瘦的,顴骨隆起,面頰凹陷,配上一個馬丁從沒有見過的那類精致漂亮的鷹鉤鼻,眼睛的大小毫不奇特。

He was better than six feet tall , unsmiling , blue - eyed , dark - haired , with an aquiline nose , a pencil - thin mustache , and a great expanse of forehead ? quite attractive to women , i should have thought , although he lacked freud ' s ease 他身高超過了六英尺,不茍言笑,藍色眼睛,烏黑頭發,長著一個鷹鉤鼻,像鉛筆一樣淡淡的小胡子,天庭飽滿? ?必須承認,這些對女人都極具吸引力,雖然在他身上缺乏弗洛伊德的那種平和氣息。

Age , about forty years ; height , about five feet nine ; black hair ; complexion dark ; generally , rather handsome visage ; eyes dark , face thin , long , and sallow ; nose aquiline , but not straight , having a peculiar inclination towards the left cheek ; expression , “年約四十,身高約五英尺九,黑色頭發,微黑皮膚,大體可以算漂亮。深色眼珠,臉瘦長,灰黃。鷹鉤鼻,但不直,略向左頰歪斜,因此表情陰險。 ”

Examole2 : a aquiline nose with formidable character , this gentle expression was the more interesting because the school master ' s nose , an irregular aquiline twisted a little on one side , had rather a formidable character 大小姐喬治亞娜烏發卷卷,雙眸明亮,側面看上去,高高的鼻梁,顯得格外高貴,加上白天鵝似的柔頸,下削的玉樓,活脫脫一個令人眩目的東方美人。

He was better than six feet tall , unsmiling , blue - eyed , dark - haired , with an aquiline nose , a pencil - thin mustache , and a great expanse of forehead ? quite attractive to women , i should have thought , although he lacked freud ' s ease 他身高超過六英尺,不茍言笑,藍眼珠,黑頭發,鼻子彎曲,留著小胡子,天庭飽滿? ?我得承認,這對女人頗有吸引力。

Now , there you are hasty , sir , said barsad , with a smile that gave his aquiline nose an extra inclination to one side ; there you really give me an advantage over you “那你就太冒失了,先生, ”巴薩說時笑了笑,笑得他那鷹鉤鼻子更歪了。 “你可讓我占了上風。