
aquila n.【天文學】天鷹(星)座。

Baodi is an agricultural district of tianjin . three “ hot “ crops ( green onion , garlic , and aquila pepper ) are baodi ' s main cash crops and products with peculiar features . as mainstay of baodi ' s agriculture , the development of the 3 hot crops has been planned for the long term 寶坻區是天津市的一個以農業為主的區縣, “三辣” (大蔥、大蒜、天鷹椒)是寶坻區的主要經濟作物和地方特色產品,被確定為寶坻農業的主導產業,并制定了長遠規劃。


The printing - house , i found , consisted of an old , damaged press , and a small , worn - out font of english types , which he was using himself , composing an elegy on aquila rose , before mentioned , an ingenious young man , of excellent character , much respected in the town , secretary to the assembly , and a pretty poet 我見基梅爾的店里只有一架陳舊破損的印刷機,一副小而磨損的英文活字版,而這東西他就要用來印阿基拉露絲的悼亡詩,這個人,以前我曾提起,是一個有智慧且有良好性格的年輕人,是議會的書記,也是一位詩人,在這城中備受敬重。

Baodi is an agricultural district of tianjin . three “ hot “ crops ( green onion , garlic , and aquila pepper ) are baodi ' s main cash crops and products with peculiar features . as mainstay of baodi ' s agriculture , the development of the 3 hot crops has been planned for the long term 寶坻區是天津市的一個以農業為主的區縣, “三辣” (大蔥、大蒜、天鷹椒)是寶坻區的主要經濟作物和地方特色產品,被確定為寶坻農業的主導產業,并制定了長遠規劃。

Investigators from the university of l aquila in italy found that after eating only 100 grams or 3 . 5 ounces of dark chocolate every day for 15 days 15 healthy people had lower blood pressures and were more sensitive to insulin an important factor in metabolizing sugar 意大利拉奎拉大學的調查者們發現,在連續15天每日食用100克或3 . 5盎司黑巧克力之后, 15名健康受試者的血壓有所降低,而且對胰島素更為敏感胰島素是促進體內糖分代謝的重要成分。

Acts 18 : 2 and having found a certain jew named aquila , a native of pontus , recently come from italy , and priscilla his wife ( because claudius had ordered all the jews to depart from rome ) , he went to them 徒十八2遇見一位猶太人,名叫亞居拉,他按籍貫是本都人;因為革老丟曾命令猶太人都離開羅馬,所以新近帶著妻子百基拉從義大利來,保羅就到他們那里去。

And paul after this tarried there yet a good while , and then took his leave of the brethren , and sailed thence into syria , and with him priscilla and aquila ; having shorn his head in cenchrea : for he had a vow 徒18 : 18保羅又住了多日、就辭別了弟兄、坐船往敘利亞去、百基拉、亞居拉和他同去他因為許過愿、就在堅革哩剪了頭發。

And found a certain jew named aquila , born in pontus , lately come from italy , with his wife priscilla ; ( because that claudius had commanded all jews to depart from rome : ) and came unto them 徒18 : 2遇見一個猶太人、名叫亞居拉、他生在本都因為革老丟命猶太人都離開羅馬、新近帶著妻百基拉、從義大利來保羅就投奔了他們。

And paul , after waiting some days , went away from the brothers and went by ship to syria , priscilla and aquila being with him ; and he had had his hair cut off in cenchrea , for he had taken an oath 保羅又住了多日、就辭別了弟兄、坐船往敘利亞去、百基拉、亞居拉和他同去他因為許過愿、就在堅革哩剪了頭發。

[ niv ] the churches in the province of asia send you greetings . aquila and priscilla greet you warmly in the lord , and so does the church that meets at their house 19 [和合]亞西亞的眾教會問你們安。 32亞居拉和百基拉并在他們33家里的教會,因主多多地問你們安。

And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue : whom when aquila and priscilla had heard , they took him unto them , and expounded unto him the way of god more perfectly 這人在會堂里放膽講論起來;百基拉和亞居拉聽了,就把他接來,把神的道更準確地向他講解。

The churches in the province of asia send you greetings . aquila and priscilla greet you warmly in the lord , and so does the church that meets at their house 19 [和合]亞西亞的眾教會問你們安。 32亞居拉和百基拉并在他們33家里的教會,因主多多地問你們安。

19 the churches in the province of asia send you greetings . aquila and priscilla [ 1 ] greet you warmly in the lord , and so does the church that meets at their house 19亞西亞的眾教會問你們安。亞居拉和百基拉并在他們家里的教會,因主多多的問你們安。

And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue : whom when aquila and priscilla had heard , they took him unto them , and expounded unto him the way of god more perfectly 26他在會堂放膽講道,百基拉,亞居拉聽見,就接他來,將神的道給他講解更加詳細。

He began to speak boldly in the synagogue . when priscilla and aquila heard him , they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of god more adequately 26他在會堂里放膽講道、百基拉亞居拉聽見、就接他來、將神的道給他講解更加詳細。

The churches in the province of asia send you greetings . aquila and priscilla greet you warmly in the lord , and so does the church that meets at their house 19亞西亞的眾教會問你們安。亞居拉和百基拉,并在他們家里的教會,因主多多的問你們安。

And he was preaching in the synagogue without fear . but priscilla and aquila , hearing his words , took him in , and gave him fuller teaching about the way of god 他在會堂里放膽講道、百基拉亞居拉聽見、就接他來、將神的道給他講解更加詳細。

1 cor . 16 : 19 the churches of asia greet you . aquila and prisca greet you much in the lord , with the church , which is in their house 林前十六19亞西亞的眾召會問你們安。亞居拉和百基拉,并在他們家中的召會,在主里多多地問你們安。

The churches of asia salute you . aquila and priscilla salute you much in the lord , with the church that is in their house 19亞細亞的眾教會問你們安。亞居拉和百基拉,并在他們家里的教會,因主多多的問你們安。

The churches of asia greet you . aquila and prisca greet you much in the lord , with the church , which is in their house 19亞西亞的眾召會問你們安。亞居拉和百基拉,并在他們家中的召會,在主里多多的問你們安。