
aquifer n.(其含水量足可成為泉或井的)蓄水層。


So the risk of inadvertently contaminating the deep aquifers must be carefully weighed 所以,深層含水層意外受污染的風險一定要小心考慮。

Three dimension numerical model of groundwater resource evaluation of complex aquifer system 復合含水層系統地下水資源評價三維數值模型

Water that infiltrates the soil and is located in underground reservoirs called aquifers 澆灌滲入土壤且位于地下水庫或蓄水層之水體。

Thirty - five percent is in the rivers and lakes and in aquifers , deep underground 35 %的淡水儲存在河流、湖泊和地下深處的蓄水層中。

Much more fresh water is stored under the ground in aquifers than on the earth ' s surface 儲存在地下的新鮮水要比地表儲存的水更多。

Mining experiment of upper coal seam under changxing karst aquifer in fengcheng mine area 豐城礦區長興灰巖巖溶水體下上煤組開采試驗

Thirty - five percent is in rivers and lakes and in * aquifers deep underground 35的地表水在大江大湖里以及深藏在地下的儲水層里。

Quantitative study on effect factors of nitrobenzene ' s transport and fate in aquifer 硝基苯在含水層中遷移轉化影響因素的定量研究

Thirty - five percent is in rivers and lakes and in aquifers deep underground 35 %的淡水存在于江河湖泊以及地下深處的蓄水層中。

On evaluating hydrologic response of karst aquifer to storm events at the hongyan coal mine 紅巖煤礦巖溶水對暴雨響應特征研究

Standard guide for development of ground - water monitoring wells in granular aquifers 開發土壤蓄水層中地下水監控井的標準指南

Thirty - five percent is in rivers and lakes , and in aquifers deep under the ground 35 %的淡水在河、湖及地下深處的蓄水層。

Thirty - five percent is in rivers and lakes and in aquifers deep underground 百分之三十五在江河湖海中及地下的蓄水層中。

Oakland fears that rising seas will salinate its underground aquifer 奧克蘭則擔憂,上升的海平面會導致地下蓄水層鹽化。

Initial research into effect of confined aquifer on slope stability of excavation 初探承壓含水層對基坑邊坡穩定性的影響

Aquifer gas storage field 含水巖層儲氣庫

Hydrochemical characteristics of aquifers in northern gezira state , central sudan 蘇丹中部北杰濟拉省含水層的水化學特征

Design of steam injection system for pentachlorophenol contaminated aquifer 農藥污染土壤及地下水之整治先導試驗設計。

Thirty - five percent is in rivers and lakes and in aquifers deep underground 35 %在江河湖泊中,以及深土下的含水層里。