
aquiculture n.水產養殖;(植物的)溶液培養。adj.-tural

As a part of the “ harvest plan “ project - “ popularization and application of the freshwater aquatics breeding integrated technology “ , the purpose of the study on “ feedstuff feeding of the freshwater aquatics breeding expert system “ is to find a quickest way between aquiculture technology and fishing population . it is significant for reasonable use of feedstuff and increase of the economic benefits 作為豐收計劃項目“淡水養殖綜合配套技術的推廣與應用”的組成部分,研制“淡水養魚飼料投喂專家系統” ,目的在于利用先進的計算機信息技術,建立科學技術與水產養殖從業者之間的快捷通路,這對于飼料的合理使用,養殖效益的提高,具有重要的實際意義。

This paper is original from “ research on the inspect and control system of aquiculture “ , carried on by instrument technology & economy institute , the ministry of machinery industry , beijing and supported by national science committee special fund . this project mainly researches and develops on the technology of p - net fieldbus interface and designs an interface according to p - net protocol 本論文所研究的課題是機械工業部北京儀器儀表綜合技術經濟研究所承接的國家科委科研院所技術開發研究專項資金項目《水產養殖監測與控制系統》中的一個子課題,主要進行p - net總線接口技術的研究與開發,并設計符合p - net協議的總線接口。


Third , the state provides concessional loans for special aid items at discounted interest , and formulates preferential policies , centering on helping the poverty - stricken areas and peasant households develop market - oriented crop cultivation , aquiculture and poultry raising and corresponding processing industries , so as to increase production and incomes 第三,國家安排優惠的扶貧專項貼息貸款,制定相關優惠政策,重點幫助貧困地區、貧困農戶發展以市場為導向的種植業、養殖業以及相應的加工業項目,促進增產增收。

Aiming at aquarium and aquiculture industries that develop so rapidly , it researches and studies out three series , over 30 kinds , including marine life sea salt ( reef salt , ornamental fish sea salt , mammalsea salt , aquaculture sea salt , 4 kinds ) , marine life water test kits ( 13 kinds ) and marine life water adjust kits ( 9 kinds ) 本公司瞄準了國內外正在迅猛發展的水族產業和水產養殖大市場,研發出三大系列,近30多個品種:摩隆牌海水素系列(礁巖海水素、觀賞魚海水素、哺乳動物海水素、經濟魚類海水素4種) ;摩隆牌水質測試劑系列( 13種)和摩隆牌水質調試劑系列( 9種) 。

The significance of this study was that the results from this study could be used as some scientific data for studying the compensation and overcompensation in microalgae . meanwhile , the regularity of overcompensation could be used as guidance for controlling the bloom of harmful algae and carrying out aquiculture of useful algae 本研究的意義是期望進一步為微藻補償和超補償作用的理論性研究提供科學資料,同時為人們在實踐中利用微藻的超補償作用的某些規律去進行有益微藻的養殖,以及進行有害微藻的控制提供理論依據。

As a part of the “ harvest plan “ project - “ popularization and application of the freshwater aquatics breeding integrated technology “ , the purpose of the study on “ feedstuff feeding of the freshwater aquatics breeding expert system “ is to find a quickest way between aquiculture technology and fishing population . it is significant for reasonable use of feedstuff and increase of the economic benefits 作為豐收計劃項目“淡水養殖綜合配套技術的推廣與應用”的組成部分,研制“淡水養魚飼料投喂專家系統” ,目的在于利用先進的計算機信息技術,建立科學技術與水產養殖從業者之間的快捷通路,這對于飼料的合理使用,養殖效益的提高,具有重要的實際意義。

On the base of putting forward the concept of security and intensive aquiculture , the thesis recounted the basic principles , property characters and requirements of security and intensive aquiculture ; then analysed the relationship and main gap between traditional aquiculture and security and intensive aquiculture on methodology ; finally discussed the endeavor aspect of security and intensive aquiculture in china 摘要在提出安全養殖概念的基礎上,著重敘述了安全精養的基本原理、屬性、特徵和要求,分析了傳統精養與安全精養間在養殖觀和方法論層面上的關聯及主要差距,最后就我國水產安全精養的努力方向進行了探討。

It ' s a new feeling for tourists that the whole park integrates with tourism culture , planting and aquiculture culture , ecological culture , 8 - immortal culture , west journey culture and travel real estate , and the latest concept with china ancient culture legacy out of space 計劃整個莊園按八仙傳說內容組建八個園,各園中都體現一位仙人的故事傳說,整個莊園把旅游文化、種養殖文化、生態文化、八仙文化、西游文化及旅游房產有機融合為一體,把最現代的理念和中國古代文化遺產超時空地結合起來,使游人有一種全新的感覺。

This paper is original from “ research on the inspect and control system of aquiculture “ , carried on by instrument technology & economy institute , the ministry of machinery industry , beijing and supported by national science committee special fund . this project mainly researches and develops on the technology of p - net fieldbus interface and designs an interface according to p - net protocol 本論文所研究的課題是機械工業部北京儀器儀表綜合技術經濟研究所承接的國家科委科研院所技術開發研究專項資金項目《水產養殖監測與控制系統》中的一個子課題,主要進行p - net總線接口技術的研究與開發,并設計符合p - net協議的總線接口。

According to the contrast between different maps and the dynamical conditions , the area of bohe lagoon had reduced by 45 . 3 % from 1932 to 2000 and human activities in the coastal zone , such as inning , sand dredging and aquiculture , have brought great effects on the coastal system , which has accelerated the barrier erosion and lagoon evolvement 通過對比分析, 1932 ~ 2000年,博賀?湖面積減少45 . 3 % ,人類活動已成為影響該區海岸演變的主導因素;灘涂圍墾、海岸采沙與水產養殖等人類活動加劇了沙壩海岸的侵蝕后退,且使得?湖面積迅速減少,不斷淤淺萎縮,大大加快了海岸體系的演化進程。

Tea machinery series , tobacco machinery series , hay machinery series , livestock machinery series , grain machinery series , cotton machinery series , agrochemicals machinery series , aquiculture series ( oxygen - supplying machine , bait - casting machine , silt remover and outboard engine , etc 茶葉機械系列、煙草機械系列、牧草機械系列、畜牧機械系列、糧食機械系列、棉花加工機械系列、農藥機械系列、水產養殖機械(增氧機、投餌機、清淤機、船用掛機等) 。

The proposal of songlu lake development project has been approved by the science & technology department of hunan province , which has oriented this project to a aquiculture base of famous , precious and special species and a leisure , entertainment , holiday - spending international exposition and exhibition training center 宋魯湖開發項目得到湖南省科技廳批準立項,已經將其定位名貴特種水產養殖基地及娛樂休閑度假國際會展培訓中心。

It was widely used in the treatment of black - odors river , eutrophic lake , industrial wastewater and agriculture , maintain lawn in golf course , sterilization and purify in middle water recycle , aquarium and landscape water , aquiculture , natatorium and so on 在黑臭河涌治理、湖泊富營養化治理、工業廢水處理,高爾夫球場草坪養護以及中水回用殺菌凈化、水族、景觀水、水產養殖、泳池的殺菌消毒治理等領域得到廣泛應用。

By providing quality products and warm service , the company has for many years won confidence and praises from vast numbers of users in various fields such as environmental protection , electric power generation , petroleum chemistry , aquiculture carpentry machinery and magnetic materials 多年來公司為環保、電力、石化、養殖、木工機械以及磁性材料行業提供了優質的產品及熱情的服務,贏得了廣大用戶的信任和贊譽。

The application and development prospect of several microbial preparations such as bacillus sp . , photosynthesis bacteria , nitrobacteria , denitrify bacteria , yeasts and micro - algae which were applied on aquiculture were summarized 摘要簡述了芽孢桿菌、光合細菌、硝化細菌和反硝化細菌、酵母菌等幾種微生態制劑在水產養殖中的應用現狀及發展前景。

Including chenghao aquiculture co . , ltd . , dahai feed co . , ltd . , huanyu candle co . , ltd . , yuandao mining - industryco . , ltd . and victory shenglong cooperative co . , ltd . ( a cooperative company of investment from abroad ) 包括成好水產養殖有限公司、大海飼料有限公司、遠島礦業有限公司、環宇蠟燭有限公司、勝利盛龍合作會社(境外投資合作企業) 。

Hydropower stations of shiquan and xihe river both lie on the hanjiang river upstream and work in multifunction of irrigation , flood control , water carriage , aquiculture etc . in addition to electric power generation 石泉、喜河水電站位于漢江上游,均以發電為主,兼有防洪、灌溉、航運、養殖等的綜合水利工程。

Uses : the products are used as filter in petroleum , chemical indcstry and beverage industry , assistant mesh in medical industry , for protection in construction and fishery and aquiculture 用途:用于石油,化工、飲料行業的過濾;醫療行業的輔網;農業、建筑行業的防護及海洋漁業的水產養殖。

The western area of dongting lake is one of the main marketable grain base in our country , and an important marketable base for pork , reed hemp and the freshwater aquiculture 摘要東洞庭湖區是國內主要商品糧基地之一,也是國內重要的牲豬、蘆葦、苧麻商品基地和舉足輕重的淡水品養殖基地。