
aqueduct n.1.渠道;渡槽,導水管。2.【解剖學】導管。

“ there is a dilution and self - purification effect when dongjiang water flows along dongjiang and the dongshen aqueduct 發言人解釋:當東江水流經東江及東深密封管道時,會進行稀釋及有自我凈化的作用。

“ she cries like a sprinkling can , “ the barman said . “ they ought to have her instead of the aqueduct . “她一哭起來就象一只噴水壺, ”酒柜侍者應聲說。 “有她就用不著安引水管道了。 ”


Hon emily lau raised a question on the construction of a closed aqueduct in guangdong province for conveying potable water from dongjiang to hong kong 劉慧卿議員就在廣東省建造一條密封式輸水管道把食水由東江輸送到香港一事提出質詢。

Throughout europe , most of these ruins are nothing more than crumbling aqueducts or columns that merely suggest a once - thriving roman city 橫貫歐洲,大多數這些遺址無非是廢墟的溝渠、立柱顯現著這里曾經繁華的古羅馬城池。

Based on the analysis , some suggestion for engineering design of aqueduct is given , and the problems that need to be further studied are presented 最后,提出了大型渡槽結構的一些設計建議及有待進一步解決的問題。

The only way to pay for the owens valley aqueduct was to sell not only the water , but also the valuable by - product electric power 償付歐文斯各水道的唯一途徑就是不僅把水,而且把重要的副產品- -電力統統出賣。

For the safety evaluation of donghuayu aqueduct bridge , the main problem is that no seismic design code is valuable 對于東滑峪渡槽的安全性能評估,存在的主要問題是渡槽的抗震設計無本行業的相關規范可循。

What could you do against a dozen bandits who spring out of some pit , ruin , or aqueduct , and level their pieces at you ? 當十多個強盜從地溝,破房子,或陰溝里一跳出來,向你攻擊的時候,你怎么能抵抗呢? ”

“ there is a dilution and self - purification effect when dongjiang water flows along dongjiang and the dongshen aqueduct 發言人解釋:當東江水流經東江及東深密封管道時,會進行稀釋及有自我凈化的作用。

Further improvement in water quality is expected when the construction of the dongshen closed aqueduct system is completed in 2003 東深密封管道系統將于二零零三年建成,預料屆時水質會進一步改善。

Furthermore , the height of the sidewall and load on the structure are necessary to be calculated to guarantee the safety of the aqueduct 而且,由此計算渡槽側墻高度和結構荷載,確保渡槽的安全。

The set of tectonic cracks on down beam is beneficial to anti - seism along the longitudinal and side long of aqueducts 拱架下弦桿分縫斷開的做法對縱、橫槽向抗震的最終效果是有利的。

The romans , for instance , constructed aqueducts to bring fresh water to their towns and sewers to provide sanitation 例如羅馬城通過構筑溝渠引清水洗刷城鎮,建造下水道提供衛生設施。

“ she cries like a sprinkling can , “ the barman said . “ they ought to have her instead of the aqueduct . “她一哭起來就象一只噴水壺, ”酒柜侍者應聲說。 “有她就用不著安引水管道了。 ”

Thirdly , a large - scale aqueduct - stayed crossing yellow river is optimized , and some valuable conclusions are obtained 3 、利用黃委會設計院提供的穿黃渡槽數據,建立計算模型。

The donghuayu aqueduct bridge located in meixian county in shaanxi province was first built in 1980 ' s 位于陜西眉縣境內石頭河水庫東干渠上的東滑峪渡漕,始建于上世紀80年代。

The kanda - josui aqueduct , which provided drinking water to the city of edo , had originally passed through this area 曾為江戶城提供飲用水的神田上水渡槽原本就經過這片區域。

The computer programs for optimization of aqueduct - stayed are developed by using the complex method 本文優化方法采用復形優化方法,并分別編制了三部分優化設計的計算程序。

They came up to jerusalem and stopped at the aqueduct of the upper pool , on the road to the washerman ' s field 他們上到耶路撒冷、就站在上池的水溝旁、在漂布地的大路上。