
aquarian adj.寶瓶座時代的;太空時代的。

In this beautiful “ water ceremony of communion “ is portrayed the symbol of the new age which is upon us , the aquarian age , the age of the water carrier 在這個美麗的“水共享典禮”里面,是描繪了在我們之上的新紀元的誕生,這就是寶瓶座時期,送水者的年代。


Capricorn & aquarius : although you can appreciate the water - bearer ’ s mind and originality , the aquarian ' s lack of direction and carefree nature will cause you to shy away 摩羯水瓶:你很欣賞水瓶座人的思維方式和創新精神,不過缺少目標和責任感的他/她只會讓你躲閃不及。

In this beautiful “ water ceremony of communion “ is portrayed the symbol of the new age which is upon us , the aquarian age , the age of the water carrier 在這個美麗的“水共享典禮”里面,是描繪了在我們之上的新紀元的誕生,這就是寶瓶座時期,送水者的年代。

Although you can appreciate the water - bearer ' s mind and originality , the aquarian ' s lack of direction and carefree nature will cause you to shy away 摩羯水瓶:你很欣賞水瓶座人的思維方式和創新精神,不過缺少目標和責任感的他/她只會讓你躲閃不及。

Especially after marilyn furguson wrote in her book the aquarian conspiracy that the fraternity dedicated to this philosophy constituted a worldwide network 尤其是瑪麗琳?弗古森寫了《寶瓶密謀》 ,對這種哲學的喜愛構成了一個世界范圍的網絡。

Water stands for wisdom . waterfall collection leads us to the next aquarian century with the spiritual wisdom and the endless life energy 水,靜謐與智慧之寶。源源而來的靈性智慧和滔滔不絕的生命力,引領您走入全新的寶瓶世紀。

In fact , rational aquarian is a little lazy , to take part in more movements after school so that you will be richer this year 不過水瓶座其實有點懶,多參加一些課外活動吧,讓今年過得更加充實。

Aquarian wish to be accepted for the eccentric genius it is “水瓶”的生日愿望是希望他們非凡才能能被大家接受。

How will the aquarian age manifest 太空時代將如何發生?

An aquarian has great desire for material , but is not greedy 水瓶座的人非常渴望物質卻不貪婪。