
aquamarine n.1.【礦物】海藍寶石,藍晶。2.海藍色。

Transparency differs from semi - transparency to opaque behaviour , among them semi - transparent aquamarine blue alone the jade is beautiful du shan county the best breed , somebody also calls it “ the azure jade “ , or “ the nan yang city blue jade “ on commerce 透明度自半透明至不透明表現不一,其中半透明的藍綠色獨玉為獨山玉的最佳品種,在商業上亦有人稱之為“天藍玉” ,或“南陽翠玉” 。

“ the least [ reward ] for the people of heaven is 80 , 000 servants and 72 wives , over which stands a dome of pearls , aquamarine and ruby . “天堂中給人最少的(獎勵)是8萬名仆人和72名處女,在他們之上,是用珍珠、綠寶石和紅寶石做成的穹頂。 ”


It is some to also have no an armpit the has no the felling . it is short to take the pack on the color to want the with refreshing , red , white , tea green , the rice is yellow , shallow aquamarine blue etc . , are all strong the is short to take the pack the practical for of point function , and as far as possible don t choose the black short to take pack ! because of the pack body card is in the armpit , the black like this sharpen the tough color , easy with blouse color clash 帶雖短, ? ?卻十分精確,一點兒也沒有腋下夾得慌的感覺。短帶挎包在色彩上要柔和醒目,紅色、白色、茶綠色、米黃色、淺水藍等,都是強調短帶挎包的點睛作用的實用色,盡量不要選擇黑色的短帶挎包!因為包身卡于腋下,黑色這樣尖銳強硬的顏色,易與上衣顏色沖突。

Various genuine jewel like aquamarine , peridot , zircon and garnet . after cutting and polishing , they are not only appearing their own unique sparkle , but also bringing you the different meaning of luckiness . now , the customers in china , taiwan and hong kong , we have 我們擁有自己的設計師群和生產工廠,手工限量精制925純銀飾品;我們的設計師運用天馬行空的美學創造力,搭配半寶石和微妙細致的工藝技術,成就出彷佛是小型藝術品般的首飾精品,讓佩帶者無時無刻都能感受到與眾不同的人文氣息。

This continuum of color determines the gems value with deepest blues being the most cherished . the finest aquamarine stones come from brazil , but other important sources include afghanistan , india , madagascar , nigeria , pakistan and russia . the largest aquamarine gemstone found to date weighed 243 . 1 lbs 綠柱石是一種含鈹鋁的硅酸鹽,海藍寶石的顏色為天藍色至海藍色或帶綠的藍色的綠柱石,它的顏色形成主要是由于含微量的二價鐵離子fe2 ,以明潔無暇濃艷的艷藍至淡藍色者為最佳。

And very occasionally , sensationally large aquamarine crystals come to light in brazil , such as the crystal of 110 . 5 kg found in 1910 in marambaia minas gerais , or for example the dom pedro , weighing 26 kg and cut in idar - oberstein in 1992 by the gemstone designer bernd munsteiner , the largest aquamarine ever to have been cut 偶爾大顆粒透明度佳且顏色艷麗美好的海藍寶石晶體會被發現,如此完美的組合在寶石界是非常不尋常。但是如此驚人的大顆粒海藍寶石原石卻經常出現在巴西。例如,巴西的

The biggest mineral of toughness is the black diamond in the world , it is 10 degrees with the black diamond , the toughness of other treasure malachite is relative : the jade is 9 nephrite ; the emerald , star ruby , sapphire are 8 ; diamond , crystal , aquamarine are 7 - 7 . 5 grades 世界上韌性最大的礦物是黑金剛石,如以黑金剛石為度,其它寶玉石的韌性相對為:玉為軟玉翡翠紅寶石藍寶石為金剛石水晶海藍寶石為. 5等。

Transparency differs from semi - transparency to opaque behaviour , among them semi - transparent aquamarine blue alone the jade is beautiful du shan county the best breed , somebody also calls it “ the azure jade “ , or “ the nan yang city blue jade “ on commerce 透明度自半透明至不透明表現不一,其中半透明的藍綠色獨玉為獨山玉的最佳品種,在商業上亦有人稱之為“天藍玉” ,或“南陽翠玉” 。

Alone green jade : include green , sage green , aquamarine blue , yellow green , alone the jade often looks at and appraises the partner , colour maldistribution with white , many memorials tape , filiform or roll into a ball irregularly form of block distribution 綠獨玉:包括綠色、灰綠色、藍綠色、黃綠色,常與白色獨玉相伴,顏色分布不均,多呈不規則帶狀、絲狀或團塊狀分布。

Jiangmen boasts of rich mineral resources with 37 kinds of minable minerals , including limestone , silica sand , potassium feldspar , monazite , crystal , aquamarine , coal , tombarthite / rare earth , gold , silver , copper , iron , stannum and tungsten , among others 礦產資源豐富,已探明可開采的有石灰石、硅砂、鉀長石、獨居石、水晶、綠柱石、煤、稀土及金、銀、銅、鐵、錫、鎢等37種。

The various colour nuances of aquamarine have melodious names : the rare , intense blue aquamarines from the santa maria de itabira mine in brazil , which make every gemstone lover s heart beat faster , are called santa maria ,其稀少明潔濃艷的艷藍色讓每個寶石愛好者都心跳加速。其色調與一些來自非洲的海藍寶石很相似,尤其是莫桑比克礦場。

However , it is surely better still to wear aquamarine , since according to the old traditions this promises a happy marriage and is said to bring the woman who wears it joy and wealth into the bargain 著它,因為根據傳統,佩帶海藍寶石會許諾幸福的婚姻,且使佩帶它的女人擁有喜悅和財富。

Again and again they take the world by surprise with a new , modern artistic cut , and when they are breaking new ground , aquamarine is a gem that they particularly like to work with 設計者稱海藍寶石為他們的最愛,他們喜歡創造新奇摩登又極為藝術感的設計,其帶給人們許多驚喜。

Aquamarine is a universal symbol of youth , hope , and health . it releases anxiety and restlessness . this lovely gem continues to remain a favorite throughout the centuries 與黃玉鋯石的最佳區別方法是密度:黃玉3 . 59克立方厘米,鋯石4 . 69克立方厘米,密度明顯偏大,手掂有重感。

However , it is a pure , clear blue that continues to epitomise the aquamarine , because it brings out so well the immaculate transparency and magnificent shine of this gemstone 然而,純凈明亮的藍色是最優質及受歡迎的,因為它能將完美無暇的透明度和燦爛輝煌光澤全然地呈現。

They are at their most valuable when they show an intense , clear , radiant blue which is not too dark , the kind of blue that puts one in mind of an aquamarine or a beautiful sapphire 最具價值的藍色碧璽會呈現出濃艷明亮的艷藍,使人聯想到美麗的海藍寶石或藍寶石。

Aquamarine is the birthstone for the month of march . healing powers aquamarine is extremely powerful when used to calm and alleviate problems of the heart and emotions 同時,它還具有催眠和壓邪的力量以及神奇的醫用價值,用海藍寶石浸過的水可以治眼疾和打呃。

The colour of aquamarine , however , is usually more even than that of the emerald . much more often than its famous green cousin , aquamarine is almost entirely free of inclusions 但是海藍寶石的顏色卻比祖母綠來的平均多了,尤其海藍寶石幾乎是沒有太多內含物

That ' s right , we got a little “ overexcited ” and released three colours ? black , aquamarine and exclusively for habbo club members the sunny , cheery yellow 對了,我們是有一點的過度興奮并開放了3種顏色-黑色,藍綠色與特別給哈寶會員的陽光,開朗的黃色。