
aquaculture n.水產養殖。adj.-tural


Outline of fish disease research and application and management of medicines for aquaculture in u . s . a 美國魚病研究概況及水產藥物的使用和管理

The distribution and source of heavy metals in an important aquaculture sea area xiangshan bay 象山港重點增養殖區重金屬殘留量分布及污染源分析

We focus on : renewable energy , titanicum technology , aquaculture technology , imax projects 投資領域是: imax項目、再生能源、水產養殖技術等。

Primary exploration of the reformation for aquaculture reqular college course in practical teaching 水產養殖學專業本科實踐教學創新改革初探

Three of these are the production of food in the form of crops , livestock and aquaculture 這其中的三個正是農業、畜牧業和水產業的產品。

Studies on plankton community structure and its dynamics in a recycling aquaculture system 循環水養殖池中浮游生物的群落結構及其動態研究

Ecological features of phytoplankton from aquaculture ground along eastern guangdong coastal waters 粵東沿海養殖水域浮游植物的生態特征

Macrobrachium nipponensis resources and its artifical enhacement and aquaculture in saline - alkali wetlands 鹽堿濕地青蝦資源及其增養殖

Application of a gas water mixing machine in closed recirculating system in aquaculture 水混合溶解機在封閉式循環養殖系統中的應用試驗

Path choice of china ' s aquaculture industry changing from comparative advantage to competitive advantage 從比較優勢向競爭優勢的轉變

Dry pellet fish feed is getting popular among aquaculture industry in the last few years 近年乾式顆粒魚糧在養魚業中漸被普及使用。

Heavy metal distribution and pollution characteristics in the sediments of aquaculture ponds 養殖池塘沉積物的重金屬分布及污染特征

Oriental sheatfish resources in saline - alkali wetlands and their artifical enhacement and aquaculture 鹽堿濕地鲇魚資源及其增養殖

Nitrogen biotransformation and its relative microorganism in aquaculture waters 養殖水體氮的生物轉化及其相關微生物研究進展

Usage note : when activated by soaking water aquaculture more than six hours 用法提示:使用時用養殖水浸泡活化6小時以上。

Study of using microbacteria to improve the water environment of aquaculture 利用有益微生物改善養殖生態環境的研究

Bioremediation of water purifying microorganism on the aquaculture environment 凈水微生物對水產養殖環境的修復作用

Aquaculture food for hatchery 可幫助客戶加工代

Application of microbiological preparation and microalgae in aquaculture 幾種微生物制劑和微藻在水產養殖中的應用