
aqua n.〔拉丁語〕水;溶液。 aqua ammoniae 【...

Aquarium magazine “ aqua zone “ distribution outlets 水族飼養雜志水族天地分銷商


These desludging vehicles can also be deployed to empty sludge from septic tanks and aqua privies 這些清糞車亦可用以清理化糞池或旱廁的淤渣。

An po - matoran aqua hunter , dekar finds the mask of life only to lose it to the barraki 作為一個大海的獵人,金術師被藍戰士奪走了生命面具。

Practice and test on recovering gold from residues produced during aqua regia dissolved operation 濕法回收王水渣中金的試驗研究與生產實踐

Macintosh users of apple s java version will have an aqua look and feel available Apple的java版本的macintosh用戶將獲得一個aqua外觀。

In addition , there are 536 aqua privies in the new territories and on outlying islands 除此,另有536間化糞式廁所設在新界及離島區。

In addition , there are 459 aqua privies in the new territories and on outlying islands 除此,另有459間化糞式廁所設在新界及離島區。

Chi keung aqua club 自強泳會

To the aqua gui , these packages bundles look just like single - file executables 對于aqua gui ,這些包/捆綁就像是單一的可執行文件。

In addition , there are 583 aqua privies in the new territories and on outlying islands 此外,另有583個化糞式廁所設在新界和離島。

In addition , there are 569 aqua privies in the new territories and on outlying islands 此外,另有569個化糞式廁所設在新界和離島。

Superior corrosion resistance , no corrosion in acids 、 alkali and aqua regia 具有優異的耐蝕性,各種酸、堿甚至王水都很難侵蝕它。

In addition , there are 540 aqua privies in the new territories and on outlying islands 此外,新界和離島共設有540個鄉村旱廁。

In addition , there are 551 aqua privies in the new territories and on outlying islands 此外,新界和離島共設有551個鄉村旱廁。

Soil quality - chemical methods - extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua regia 土質.化學方法.溶解于王水的痕量元素萃取

Aqua science related bachelor degree and more than 3 - year experience 水產科學相關專業本科以上學歷,至少3年的相關工作經驗。

Study on the extraction behavior of aqua - chloroiridate complexes in the hydrochloric acid solution 氯水配合物的萃取行為研究

In addition , there are 520 aqua privies in the new territories and on outlying islands 此外,新界和離島共設有520個旱廁。

Soil improvers and growing media - extraction of aqua regia soluble elements 土壤改良劑和生長媒介.王水可溶性元素的萃取