
apus n.【天文學】天燕(星)座。


Support for the apple apus subarchitecture has been dropped ; the apple nubus subarchitecture is also not supported 對于apple apus平臺的支援已經中止,對于apple nubus子平臺也不再支援。

Ensures an up - to - date visual management of the apus quality situation and reports results to the management 確保生產現場的質量目視管理得到更新,并且向管理者匯報結果。

Concentrate our offense on the diggers . order the apus into position 集中火力攻擊巨大鉆頭下令裝甲部隊準備迎敵

How many apus are operational ? - thirteen , sir 還有幾個裝甲戰士? -十三個

- how many apus are operational ? - thirteen , sir -還有幾個裝甲戰士? -十三個