
aptness n.1.適合性。2.性情,傾向。3.才能。


It was for herself that he loved tess ; her soul , her heart , her substance - not for her skill in the dairy , her aptness as his scholar , and certainly not for her simple formal faith - professions 他愛苔絲,完全是為了苔絲自己為了她的靈魂,為了她的心性,為了她的本質而不是因為她有奶牛場里的技藝,有讀書的才能,更不是因為她有純潔的正統的宗教信仰。

Jean , if monsieur pleases , replied the newcomer , jean passepartout , a surname which has clung to me because i have a natural aptness for going out of one business into another “我叫若望,假使老爺不反對的話, ”新來的仆人回答說, “路路通是我的外號。憑這個名字,可以說明我天生就有精于辦事的能耐。

And i was in the sixth standard when i left school , and they said i had great aptness , and should make a good teacher , so it was settled that i should be one “我在那兒長大。我離開學校的時候,受了六年的標準教育,他們都說我很能干,應該當一個好教員。

A case study of assessing overall crack rate of concrete slab of the building in kaohsiung city is performed to illustrate the potential aptness of this model 結果顯示,本模式的分析結果與高雄市工程品質查核的結果差異不大。