
aptly adv.適當地,善,巧。 It has aptly be...

Stumbling across a crowded apartment complex aptly known as “ pig sty alley “ , sing attempts to extort money from one of the ordinary locals , but the neighbors are not what they appear 功夫的故事發生在40年代的中國,周星馳飾演一名無可藥救的小混混阿星。意志不堅的他,在江湖打混多年仍一事無成。

The vision that motivated ibm s soa programming model rests on two central observations , aptly captured by the following quotations : “ design - by - buzzword is a common occurrence 推動ibm的soa編程模型的遠景依賴于兩個重要的觀察結果,請看以下兩段引言中的精辟描述:

The 120th anniversary slogan “ serving through science “ aptly described the core message the observatory had conveyed to the visitors during the open day 天文臺一百二十周年臺慶的口號籌算天機,服務人群正是天文臺員工在開放日向市民傳遞的主要訊息。

They follow the rule and maintain their aptly named organization the order with efficiency and clarity of purpose 他們遵循騎士規章并且以堅定的信念維護著“使命騎士團“的成名。

Much of it is what has been aptly described as “ machine - gunning with scraps . “ i think the technique fights coherence 其中許多已確切地被形容為“用機關槍發射碎片” 。

Which cylon sabotages the galactica ' s water supply in the aptly named “ water “ 在“水”一集中,哪個塞昂破壞了卡拉狄加的水供給?

Which of the following verbs can be used together with “ time “ most aptly 問題:下面的哪個動詞跟時間這個詞搭配是最恰當的呢?


The theme aptly reminds us that extreme weather and climate are threatening humankind s quest for sustainable development . the hong kong observatory aims to contribute to sustainable development by providing information on weather and climate 該主題正好提醒我們人類追求可持續發展的努力正受到極端天氣和氣候的威脅,而天文臺提供的適時天氣及氣候資料可以為可持續發展作出貢獻。

The collaboration was made possible with the invaluable assistance of mr daniel kaufmann , director of global programs of the institute , who announced the findings in the last day to aptly conclude the symposium 這次合作在世界銀行學院國際研究項目總監daniel kaufmann先生鼎力協助下,得以順利完成。 kaufmann先生還在會議的最后一天公布調查結果,以此為會議劃上圓滿的句號。

Winning is aptly named , helping propel gd to the forefront of the bag and golf club bag manufacturing industry . we hope to continue this success and continue to service a worldwide network of customers 爾后,相繼成立廣德運動用品有限公司生產各種袋類和高爾夫球袋,將觸角延伸至世界各地,并將業務網路擴展至全球,而成立目前之廣德關系企業。

His callous renegade justice , however , is not tolerated by the authorities . faced with so many unexplained deaths , the police enlist the assistance of the young genius l , whose eccentricity is aptly portrayed by matsuyama kenichi 長居于山上的爺爺跟村民十分疏遠,但其冷漠之心也被純真的凱迪融化了牧童彼得自幼也失去父愛,跟凱迪一見如故。

Aptly , people could also take part in the conference by visiting an online re - creation of the university ' s serious games institute , where they could chat with other participants and watch presentations 而人們也完全可以通過訪問大學嚴肅游戲機構的網絡虛擬社區來參與會議,人們可以在該虛擬社區中與其他參與者進行交流并觀看展示的解說畫面。

The state of economy and hong kong people s vision of the future on the eve of the announcement of the budget could aptly be likened to the heavy mist obscuring our view for the last few days 此情此景,當曾司長再以他的名句:不會以納稅人的血汗錢,來換取一時的掌聲來表達心跡后,社會人士對預算案的期望,可以說是跌到了最低點。

Recently , another article in zaobao referred to singapore as a lovely little red dot , as former indonesian president b j habibie had dubbed it . a grain or a dot , the imagery aptly highlights the point 最近又在早報上看到李慧敏的文章“越看越可愛的小紅點” ,稱新加坡為“小紅點” ,當是出自印尼前總統哈比比之口。

Stumbling across a crowded apartment complex aptly known as “ pig sty alley “ , sing attempts to extort money from one of the ordinary locals , but the neighbors are not what they appear 功夫的故事發生在40年代的中國,周星馳飾演一名無可藥救的小混混阿星。意志不堅的他,在江湖打混多年仍一事無成。

What makes the grand challenge aptly named is its speed ? the speed at which the robot must move over rough , unfamiliar terrain and the haste with which it must be built 這場賽車之所以叫做大挑戰,是因為它的速度(機器人必須在崎嶇不平的陌生地形上快速移動) ,以及必須在短時間內制作完成。

Aptly adjust those diseases which have cross with internal medicine such as rigidity and spasm , sudden vomiting , sudden diarrhea , wind - warm and lung - heat pattern and sudden chest pain 對痙證、暴吐、暴瀉、風溫肺熱病及卒心痛、急性中風等與內科學交叉病證,可根據學時作適當調整,以自學為主。

As the theme of this conference has aptly pointed out we , the international community , must find new strategies to strength international cooperation in combating such globalized crime 從本會議開宗明義的主題,可見國際社會務必努力尋求新策略,加強國際上的合作,打擊這些全球性的罪行。

The vision that motivated ibm s soa programming model rests on two central observations , aptly captured by the following quotations : “ design - by - buzzword is a common occurrence 推動ibm的soa編程模型的遠景依賴于兩個重要的觀察結果,請看以下兩段引言中的精辟描述: