
aptitude n.1.適合性。2.傾向。3.天資;才能。4.穎悟,聰穎...

Apparently , i have a lot of what they call “ aptitude . 顯然,我擁有他們所說的“天賦”


To choose these packages for installation or by trying aptitude - f install 選擇這些套件并進行安裝,或是試著鍵入

My lack of success with the investment banks was not a question of aptitude 我未能成功進入投行并非智力的問題。

4 . 4 . 2 upgrading aptitude upgrade tests have shown that sarge s version of 在進行升級的測試中顯示, sarge版的

A study of the validity of the administration occupational aptitude test 行政職業能力傾向測驗效度的研究報告

Preliminary scholastic aptitude test 學業能向初步測驗

The development of the academic aptitude test for middle school student 中學生學業能力傾向測驗的初步編制

Genius is an aptitude for work 天賦就是俱備工作的才能。

He had an aptitude for journalism 他有從事新聞工作的才能

Your altitude is determined by you attitude not your aptitude 你的態度決定你的地位,而不是你的智商。

Take time to assess , your skills , temperament and aptitude in depth 耐心的培養你的技能,氣質和潛力。

Scholastic aptitude test . then they got rid of that altogether 學習態度測試然后他們根本就不考慮那個

Aptitude clean will remove all previously downloaded package files 將會清除之前所下載的所有套件檔。

A review of scholastic aptitude tests 學業能力傾向測驗綜述

Jhs - d shift frequency aptitude transmitter mixer : system introduction 海之升數字移頻擴聲系統簡介:

Validity of the academic aptitude test for middle school student 中學生學業能力傾向測驗的效度研究

My daughter has an aptitude in music 我女兒在音樂上很有悟性。

Establishment of an aptitude test for armed police force of china 用于武警部隊能力傾向測驗的編制

Professor sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology 斯普勞特教授說你在草藥學方面有特長