
apt 短語和例子APT =1.automatically pr...

In modern political and economic discussion we are apt to talk rather glibly of “labour“ . 我們在討論近代政治和經濟問題時,往往喜談“勞工”一詞。

In writing about our hard times, we are apt to overuse the word “grim“ . 在描寫我們艱苦的日子的時候,我們每每過多地使用“嚴肅”這個字眼。


Those men are most apt to be obsequious and conciliating abroad, who are under the discipline of shrews at home . 一個人在家里受慣了潑婦的教訓,到外面是最容易處處隨和,事事順從。

In this kind of contests some of those involved--and their reputations--are apt to get bruised . 在這種雙方對陣的情況下,凡是被卷進去的人,以及他們的名聲,都難免要受傷害的。

People are apt to petrify, even at a university, if they follow the same paths too persistently . 當有些人鉆進牛角尖的時候,即使是在大學學府里,他們也會變得冥頑不化的。

When foreign executives speak of their american counterparts, they are apt to be more scornful than awestruck . 當國外的經理們談到他們的美國同行時,往往是輕蔑多于敬畏。

The words were very apt to my case, and made some impression upon my thoughts at the time of reading them . 這句話對于我非常切合,在讀到的時候給了我一個很深的印象。

When high expectations are thwarted they are apt to throw the confident individual into the blackest pessimism . 過高的期望受到挫折,可以使自信的人陷入失望的深淵。

He recognized the kind of embittered dialogue which was always apt to crop up when davis was out of sorts . 他意識到戴維斯每當心緒不佳時,他的話里總是充滿著苦楚。

The hero's coal cellar is an apt symbol of the isolation of the individual in an impersonal city . 主人公的地窖是一個在人們失去了自我的城市里個人孤獨的貼切象征。

Everything was a gamblewho took the greatest chances was most apt to be the greatest winner . 什么事都是賭博誰肯冒最大的險,誰就最有希望成為最大的勝利者。

He believed maggie was apt to follow the inclination of the moment without giving consideration to the outcome . 他認為瑪吉容易一時沖動,隨心所欲而不顧后果。

In modern political and economic discussion we are apt to talk rather glibly of “labour“ . 我們在討論近代政治和經濟問題時,往往喜談“勞工”一詞。

In writing about our hard times, we are apt to overuse the word “grim“ . 在描寫我們艱苦的日子的時候,我們每每過多地使用“嚴肅”這個字眼。

She knew well that a woman's visit is apt to spin itself out for an indeterminate time . 她很清楚,一個女人作客很容易無限期地延續下去。

In addition, solids are apt to settle and sinter and stick on the flat bottom surface . 此外,顆粒容易沉積,并熔結和粘貼在平底表面上。

My cancers are apt to be particularly nasty, giving no early warning signals . 我的癌癥容易表現得特別惡劣,早期不發出任何警告信號。

Migrants are apt to be drawn into the cities by the chance to obtain such jobs . 移民們往往為了獲取這種就業機會而被吸引到城市里來。

Most eucalypts grow so rapidly that flowers are apt to be far from the ground . 大多數桉樹生長非常迅速,以致它的花往往離地面很高。