
apse n.(pl. apses )1.(教堂東端的)半圓室。2...

And who put the cold , white panes in the place of those windows , “ high in color , “ which caused the astonished eyes of our fathers to hesitate between the rose of the grand portal and the arches of the apse 那些彩色玻璃窗,我們的祖先曾目不暇接,嘆為觀止,躊躇于大拱門圓花窗與半圓形后殿尖拱窗之間,又是誰把這些“色彩強烈”的玻璃窗換上了冷冰冰的白玻璃呢?


And who put the cold , white panes in the place of those windows , “ high in color , “ which caused the astonished eyes of our fathers to hesitate between the rose of the grand portal and the arches of the apse 那些彩色玻璃窗,我們的祖先曾目不暇接,嘆為觀止,躊躇于大拱門圓花窗與半圓形后殿尖拱窗之間,又是誰把這些“色彩強烈”的玻璃窗換上了冷冰冰的白玻璃呢?

St michael ' s church was built between 1010 and 1020 on a symmetrical plan with two apses that was characteristic of ottonian romanesque art in old saxony 圣米迦勒教堂建造于公元1010年至1020年間,整個教堂嚴格遵循對稱的設計理念建造,有兩個對稱的半圓形后殿,這兩個后殿展示出了老撒克遜時期典型的奧圖羅馬式風格。

An approach commonly used is to reconstruct the time - apse images by inverting the geophysical data collected at different time independently , which can not make full use of the field information 一種常用的途徑就是通過獨立反演不同時刻采集的地球物理數據,來重構間歇影像,這使得實測的數據信息得不到充分利用。

The half dome over an apse 穹內半圓頂教堂后部的半圓形穹頂