
aps 短語和例子A.P.S. =1.American Peac...

It is learnt that in some remote areas , there are inadequate public toilets and many of them are unhygienic and smelly aqua privies ( “ aps “ ) 據悉,一些偏遠地區的公廁數目不足,而當中不少是?生欠佳及發出氣味的旱廁。

Small , lightweight aps cameras are more convenient , but more prone to “ camera shake “ than 35mm cameras 輕盈、小巧的aps照相機使用更方便,但是比起35mm相機,仍有更多的震動及不足的閃光。


Membership aps has over 15 , 000 members and includes the leading psychological scientists and academics , clinicians , researchers , teachers , and administrators 超過15000名的aps成員,包括卓越的心理科學家以及學術、臨床、研究、教學和管理者。

Complete tasks temporarily requested by logistics and procurement team in dong guan . provide up - dated line capacity information to hangzhou aps 完成由東莞儲運部及采購部所要求的臨時性工作任務。及時向杭州aps中心更新產能的相關信息。

It is learnt that in some remote areas , there are inadequate public toilets and many of them are unhygienic and smelly aqua privies ( “ aps “ ) 據悉,一些偏遠地區的公廁數目不足,而當中不少是?生欠佳及發出氣味的旱廁。

Only need to set aps ( access point ) . easy to deploy . save cost and time for setting aps in integrated routing mode ( 1 )只需布設ap ,網絡架構方便快捷,避免了綜合布線方式中布設信息點的花費與時間;

Users in wlan are mobile . that they can roam among the aps ( access points ) and achieve high data rate 無線局域網的用戶具有可移動性,可以在各接入點( ap )間漫游,而且可以達到較高的數據傳輸速率。

Small , lightweight aps cameras are more convenient , but more prone to “ camera shake “ than 35mm cameras 輕盈、小巧的aps照相機使用更方便,但是比起35mm相機,仍有更多的震動及不足的閃光。

But per aps if we keep them till they re ransomed , it means that we keep them till they re dead . 不過,也許是這樣,我們把他們看押好,一直到勒索到贖金,這就是說,一直到他們死去為止。 ”

Anyhow , it can provide more precise and practical plans . nowadays few domestic people study in the field of aps 目前國外有很多人對其進行研究,將其應用到scm中,并產生了理想的效果。

And the flow of produce scheduling is designed in detail , the relation of aps scm and erp is compared 同時詳細地設計出了aps的排產計劃流程,對aps 、 scm 、 erp三者關系進行了比較。

Systemic lupus erythematosus is by far the most common disease accompanied by which aps develops 抗磷脂癥候群可以是原發性的,也可續發于其他疾病,最常見于全身性紅斑性狼瘡。

In 2004 , aps received the presidential award for excellence in science , mathematics and engineering mentoring 2004年,美國生理學會獲得科學、數學和工程學顧問杰出總統獎章。

Apss showed high resistance to heat and some proteases , including thermolysin and chymotrypsin Aps對加熱處理、幾四川大學碩士學位論文種蛋白內切酶處理極不敏感。

First of all , this article analyses and summarizes the theory of produce scheduling based on aps 首先,對基于aps的生產排程理論進行了分析和總結。

Not much worth to fight , you aint . p r aps you can understand king george s english “瞧你們那副德性,站出來較量較量都不敢,連話都聽不懂。

The problem of overloaded aps can be quite severe in areas of high user density 存取點負荷過重的問題,在用戶密度高的區域內會變得相當嚴重。

There are currently 18 government departments and around 60 statutory agencies in the aps 目前, aps含有18個政府部門和大約60個法定機構。

This article studies the impact of xmi on a small development house , ideogramic aps 本文研究了xmi對這個ideogramic aps小開發公司的影響。