
apropos adj.,adv.1.適當的[地],恰好,湊巧。2.順便...

“ is it true that you were turned out of the regiment because you were afraid to fight a duel ? “ she asked suddenly , apropos of nothing - and her eyes flashed “您是因為貪生怕死,害怕決斗,被人從步兵團趕出來的,是真的嗎? ”她突然吹毛求疵地問道,兩只眼睛閃閃發亮。

Albert smiled . - “ apropos , “ continued he , “ franz is coming soon , but it will not interest you ; you dislike him , i think ? “順便告訴您一下, ”他又說, “弗蘭茲就要來了。但您對那個消息是會感興趣的。您不喜歡他是嗎? ”

“ all i wanna do is have a little fun before i die , “ says the man next to me out of nowhere it s apropos 愛情不是玩游戲過不了局就放棄贏不到你的心還輸掉我自己

“ but apropos of debray , how is it that i have not seen him lately at the baron s house ? “但說到德布雷,我最近怎么沒有在男爵的家里看到他呢? ”

“ truly , madame , i recollect m . debray told me - apropos , what is become of him “不錯,夫人,我記得德布雷先生告訴我等一下,他怎么啦?


Also , without being actually positive , it struck him a great field was to be opened up in the line of opening up new routes to keep pace with the times apropos of the fishguard - rosslare route which , it was mooted , was once more on the tapis in the circumlocution departments with the usual quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally 此外,雖然不到具體實施的程度,他腦子里還浮現出一個想法:為了與時代步調一致,應開拓新天地,開辟新航路。恰當的例子就是菲什加德-羅斯萊爾航路82 。人們紛紛說,經交通省提出后,照例由于衙門冗繁的文牘主義,因循姑息,吊兒郎當,凈是蠢才,至今仍在反復審議中83 。

And apropos of coffin of stones , the analogy was not at all bad , as it was in fact a stoning to death on the part of seventytwo out of eighty odd constituencies that ratted at the time of the split and chiefly the belauded peasant class , probably the selfsame evicted tenants he had put in their holdings 因為他確實是被人用石頭砸死的。鬧分裂的時候,八十幾名議員中竟有七十二個倒了戈272 。主要是他曾經大捧特捧的農民階級,大概就是被剝奪了佃耕權后,他替他們收回來的那些佃戶哩。

Apropos of micromanufacturing technologies of silicon - based mems correlative to tini sma , patterning of tini thin film is one of the key processes , in order to photoetch thicker tini films ( more than 10 同時, pt掩膜在hfno3 ho腐蝕系統中具有抗腐蝕力強、不脫落的特點,是腐蝕較厚tei膜( 5nm )的理想掩膜材料。

Unfortunately , it is hard to get a consistent opinion on just what fp is , even from functional programmers themselves . a story about elephants and blind men seems apropos here 許多傳統函數語言也具有緩式賦值,因此在這些組件中, xoltar工具包使您獲得象haskell這樣的函數語言該有的大部分功能。

“ is it true that you were turned out of the regiment because you were afraid to fight a duel ? “ she asked suddenly , apropos of nothing - and her eyes flashed “您是因為貪生怕死,害怕決斗,被人從步兵團趕出來的,是真的嗎? ”她突然吹毛求疵地問道,兩只眼睛閃閃發亮。

Our mutual friend s stories are like himself , mr bloom , apropos of knives , remarked to his confidente sotto voce . do you think they are genuine “我們共同的朋友122的故事就跟他本人一樣, ”布盧姆先生從刀子又順便低聲對他的心腹朋友說, “你認為那些是真實的嗎?

That trick of his of breaking in on his friends ' thoughts with an apropos remark after a quarter of an hour ' s silence is really very showy and superficial 他先靜默一刻鐘,然后才突然道破他的朋友的心事,這種伎倆未免過于做作,過于膚淺了。

Albert smiled . - “ apropos , “ continued he , “ franz is coming soon , but it will not interest you ; you dislike him , i think ? “順便告訴您一下, ”他又說, “弗蘭茲就要來了。但您對那個消息是會感興趣的。您不喜歡他是嗎? ”

This week china said a conference of the state consul t ( council ) approved apropos ( a proposed ) special measure on the supervision of food safety 這周,國務院通過了一項關于食品衛生監察中采取特別措施的提議。

Apropos , the bucket is heard to have flown to the outer space and is now a satellite , moving along the orbit 至于那個水桶,據說它飛出外太空之后變成人造衛星,現在正繞著地球軌道行進中。

In this regard the words of eugene genovese , the great historian of american slavery , are very apropos 就方法而言,著名的美國奴隸史學家,歐根杰諾威斯曾說過一段非常中肯的話:

“ all i wanna do is have a little fun before i die , “ says the man next to me out of nowhere it s apropos 愛情不是玩游戲過不了局就放棄贏不到你的心還輸掉我自己

The opportunity is apropos when , can create , good luck is good circumstances , can not create 機會是恰好的時候,可以創造,機遇則是好的境遇,不可以創造。

The architect - apropos , she entered the matrix to save your life at the cost of her own 建筑師她進來矩陣救你, [而]她的代價是(犧牲)自己的生命。