
apron n.1.圍裙。2.(炮的)旋轉保護罩。3.【造船】(船頭...

“ if you come , bring an apron , “ he added “來的話,帶一條圍腰。 ”他又加了一句。

“a bachelor!“ i said, astonished. “why, who's that, mr. peggotty?“ pointing to the person in the apron who was knitting . “光棍兒!”我吃了一驚,說。“那么,那是誰哪,坡勾提先生?”我一面這樣問,一面往那個系著圍裙,坐著打毛活的婦人那兒一指。

apron stage

My cap had gone awry , my apron was stained , my feet ached 我的帽子歪了,圍裙上污跡斑斑,兩腳疼痛難忍。

Mask , rubber gloves , plastic apron and goggles ( recommended ) 口罩、膠手套、膠圍裙、護眼罩(最好有)

Specification for x - ray lead - rubber protective aprons for personal use 個人用防護x射線夾鉛橡膠圍裙規范

“ what have you got in your apron “你手里拿的什么呀? ”

Could you tie this apron round me 你受累把圍裙給我系上行嗎

He drove straight to the apron where the plane was waiting 他驅車直奔停機坪,那兒飛機正等待起飛。

He drove straight to the apron where the plane was waiting 他驅車直奔停機坪,那兒飛機正等待起飛。

I only shut my mouth . food got on your apron 我累了我想找一個家

And he tugged at her apron and the hands 他使勁拉她的圍裙和手。

Mark of a chef : messy apron , clean sleeves 廚師格言:臟裙凈袖。

Mask , rubber gloves , plastic apron and goggles recommended 口罩膠手套膠圍裙護眼罩最好有

Vertical double - apron external broaching machine 立式雙溜板外拉床

Spreading the thin carpet on the outmoded real timber apron 陳舊的實木地板上鋪著薄薄的地毯。

Following the parking car to the apron 跟著停放引導車滑到停機坪。

Take off that dirty apron before you come in 把臟圍裙脫了再進屋里

For the whole night , villa was dreaming of her new apron 一整夜,小貓維拉都夢著她的新圍裙。

A fighter plane is revving up on the hanger apron 飛機庫前面停機坪上,一架戰斗機正在起動。