
apriority n.1.演繹性,推論性,先驗性。2.演繹推論法的運用。

In fact , this “ middle - class “ government is not only a subjective product characteristic of apriority and utopianism , but also has extreme strong class - consciousness 實際上,亞氏的“中產階級”政體不僅是主觀性產物,帶有先驗性和空想性,而且還具有極強的階級性。


A unified linear fusion model for information fusion estimation is proposed , and it can describe varied information including measuring information , apriority information , forecasting data and estimation information , and it lays a foundation for the theory frame of information fusion estimation 提出信息融合估計的統一線性融合模型,使測量信息、先驗信息、預測信息以及狀態估計信息等均可用統一融合模型進行描述,為建立信息融合估計的理論框架奠定了基礎。

( 2 ) bayesian network methods can avoid subjective prejudice brought by apriority information , sightless search when we lack sample information , and the infection of interferential factors ( 2 ) bayesian網絡中的理論方法既可避免只使用先驗信息可能帶來的主觀偏見,和缺乏樣本信息時的大量盲目搜索,也可避免只使用后驗信息帶來的干擾因素的影響。

The traditional methods have many shortcomings such as subjectivity , apriority . they sometimes distort the real relationship between credit indicators and the credit level 指標方法大多基于線性方法,而實際上個人信用水平與各信用要素之間更多是非線性以及關聯關系。

In fact , this “ middle - class “ government is not only a subjective product characteristic of apriority and utopianism , but also has extreme strong class - consciousness 實際上,亞氏的“中產階級”政體不僅是主觀性產物,帶有先驗性和空想性,而且還具有極強的階級性。

Apriority , transcendence , experience and practice - an introduction to the studies of man from the post - practical philosophical perspective 后實踐哲學視野下的人學導論

The end of apriority and aesthetics construction in consumer society 先驗性的終結與消費社會的美學建構