
april n.1.四月。2.埃普麗爾〔女子名〕。

april fool

On the evening of april 23 speer made a full confession of his insubordination in refusing to carry out the wanton destruction of germany's remaining installations . 在4月23日那天晚上,斯佩爾全部坦白了他拒絕執行盲目破壞德國的殘余設備。

Day after day, from april to november, for the last fifteen years, time had passed peacefully for mother and daughter here, in constant work . 十五年以來,從四月到十一月,母女倆就在這個位置上安安靜靜地消磨日子,手里永遠拿著活計。

It was the civilian conservation corps(ccc), authorized by congress in late march 1933 and put into operation on april 5 . 這就是民間資源保護隊。1933年3月后期,由國會批準,4月5日開始行動。

The geodimeter measurements executed in april also disclosed very rapid and complicated horizontal crustal movements . 四月份進行的光電測距儀測量也揭示水平地殼運動是非常快而復雜的。

Aside from his outstanding qualifications he had gained much experience during the march and early april fighting . 除了他的杰出才能以外,他還在三月和四月初的作戰中獲得了許多經驗。

The state department was preoccupied with a meeting of the armistice commission called by the north koreans for april 18 . 國務院忙于應付北朝鮮人要求4月18日舉行的停戰委員會會議。

During the afternoon of april 29 one of the last pieces of news to reach the bunker from the outside world came in . 4月29日下午,地下避彈室收到了從外面傳來的又一最后消息。

On a fair april morning, the last of the month, he drove along his park palings . 在四月份的一個晴朗的早晨,也就是四月份的最后一天,他驅車沿園林的木柵前進。

Anyway, frank says that they ought to raise enough money for the appeal by early april . 不管怎樣,佛蘭克說為了起訴,他們必須在四月初籌得足夠的款項。

On april 12, 1969, to bring matters to a head, i sent the president a memorandum . 1969年4月12日,為了把事情引入決定性階段,我向總統提交一份備忘錄。

The great ship, titanic, sailed for new york from southampton on april 10th, 1912 . 巨輪泰坦尼克號于1912年4月10日從索斯安普頓啟航駛往紐約。

The ridge lies farther from the equator in july than in either april or october . 此高壓脊與赤道的距離在七月份比四月和十月份遠。

On april 17, ford dealerships everywhere were mobbed with customers . 四月十七日,全國各地的福特承銷店都擠滿了顧客。

On april 3, i formally proposed the vance mission to the president . 四月三日,我向總統正式提議派萬斯執行這項使命。

In april 1908, we cut our white-collar ranks by seven thousand people . 1908年4月,我們一下子就裁減白領人員7000人。

April 28, as we have seen, had been a trying day in the bunker . 我們已經看到,4月28日是地下避彈室十分難熬的一天。

April bursts upon our virginia hills in one prodigious leap . 四月,有時不知怎的一躍,就來到了弗吉尼亞的山坡上。

The neutral posture was maintained by america until the end of april . 直到4月底以前,美國始終采取中立姿態。

April 22 brought the last turning point in hitler's road to ruin . 4月22日是希特勒走向毀滅途中的最后轉折點。