
apricot n.1.【植物;植物學】杏,杏樹。2.杏黃色。3.〔A-...

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Les bonbons klein apricot sugar free candies “ klein “杏桃味邦邦糖


Apricots in syrup 蜜汁杏子

Apricot kernal oil 杏核仁油

Apricots in syrup 糖水杏:

Canned apricot iam 杏醬罐頭

Wash your face with crushed sage apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red 用天然杏子臉部清洗劑來擦洗臉部十分鐘,直至臉部發紅

Canned apricot , 1 杏桃罐頭1個

Canned apricot in syrup 糖水杏罐頭

Effect of ice nucleation active bacteria on the ultrastructure of apricot varieties ovule 冰核細菌對仁用杏胚珠超微結構的影響

Effect of ice nucleation active bacteria on the ultrastructure of apricot variety pollen 冰核細菌對仁用杏花粉超微結構的影響

Effect of vault irrigation on growth and development of nuclcolar apricot younglings 利用水窖灌溉對仁用杏幼樹生長發育的影響

Lost : small apricot poodle . reward . neutered . like one of the family 遺失:杏色小獅子狗。酬謝。去勢的。好像家庭成員一樣。

The study on controlling enzymatic browning reactions of preserved apricot during storage 控制杏脯貯存期發生酶褐變的研究

The red apricots on spring branches are the witness to your diligent sweat 看那枝頭紅杏春意鬧,是您辛勤的汗水澆灌。

Are kernels of apricots edible 杏仁能吃嗎?

We have an inquiry in hand for a large quantity of bitter apricot kernel 我方手頭現有一份欲購大量苦杏仁的詢價單。

Soak and wash the apricot seeds , fungus , jujube and figs with warm water 將南北杏、雪耳、蜜棗和無花果用溫水浸洗。

How about the apricot jam 杏醬的味道怎么樣?