
apraxia n.【醫學】(精神性)失用癥。


The following issues surrounding research on this area that are of theoretical relevance and practical importance were addressed : ( 1 ) a theoretical model that would guide research into limb apraxia ; ( 2 ) assessment and analysis of error types involving observational descriptions of error patterns , manifestation of laterality effects of brain lesions , and kinematic analysis of spatio - temporal deficits ; ( 3 ) the pathological significance of body part as objects ( bpo ) and its relationship with limb apraxia ; and ( 4 ) remediation 本文章解析與學理和臨床相關的文獻,其內容包括以下四項:一、引導研究進行之理論模式;二、錯誤形式的評估與分析,包括以觀察法所提供的敘述、腦傷側邊對肢體性動作失用癥狀表現的影響,以及使用現代動作分析儀對該癥狀了解的重要性;三、以身體當作所要操控之物體的病理徵狀之意義,同時亦探討該癥狀與失用癥的關聯;四、針對治療手法加以著墨。

The following issues surrounding research on this area that are of theoretical relevance and practical importance were addressed : ( 1 ) a theoretical model that would guide research into limb apraxia ; ( 2 ) assessment and analysis of error types involving observational descriptions of error patterns , manifestation of laterality effects of brain lesions , and kinematic analysis of spatio - temporal deficits ; ( 3 ) the pathological significance of body part as objects ( bpo ) and its relationship with limb apraxia ; and ( 4 ) remediation 本文章解析與學理和臨床相關的文獻,其內容包括以下四項:一、引導研究進行之理論模式;二、錯誤形式的評估與分析,包括以觀察法所提供的說明、腦傷側邊對肢體性動作失用癥狀表現的影響,以及使用現代動作分析儀對該癥狀了解的重要性;三、以身體當作所要操控之物體的病理征狀之意義,同時亦探討該癥狀與失用癥的關聯;四、針對治療手法加以著墨。

This paper was developed to review recent advances in the study of limb apraxia in order to further understand the nature of this disorder and possible approaches to its interventions 摘要本篇報告整合及分析肢體性動作失用癥具代表性之重要文獻,以進一步了解該癥狀的本質及可能的治療方式。

This paper was developed to review recent advances in the study of limb apraxia in order to further understand the nature of this disorder and possible approaches to its interventions 摘要本篇報告集成及分析肢體性動作失用癥具代表性之重要文獻,以進一步了解該癥狀的本質及可能的治療方式。

Frontal gait apraxia 額葉步態失用

Analysis on speech apraxia in patients with cerebrovascular disease 腦血管病純言語不能分析