
appurtenant adj.1.附屬的,從屬的 (to)。2.貼切的,恰當的...


Besides preface and epilogue , the text is divided into four parts discussing maximum mortgage issues : in part , starting from growing and developing of it , the author expounds the value and features of maximum mortgage , analyzes the function and character of maximum mortgage , and indicates maximum mortgage can realize efficiency value of economy and law . it can bring on circulate function of commodity and bear abating appurtenant and specific nature . specific nature is an important character of maximum mortgage system clearly 本文試圖通過比較借鑒和功能分析的方法,結合司法實踐中遇到的實際問題,對最高額抵押權進行完整的剖析,從最高額抵押權的價值、特征、效力、適用范圍、轉讓等諸多方面進行深入探討,以期為建立我國最高額抵押權的制度體系提供更多的理論支持,推動我國的法制化進程。

In homeowner ’ s mortgage insurance , the mortgaged house is the subject property , it is also an integrated property of the land with its appurtenant structures , which is charasterized as real estate , that means the land and the buildings on it can not be separated in form and value 在住房抵押貸款房屋保險中,抵押房屋是標的財產,是土地及地上建筑物的統一體,具備不動產土地及地上建筑物形態和價值的不可分割性。

With the rapid development of urban construction , the protection of water environment is more and more important and the waste water treatment establishment has been gradually completed . and it brings a lot of data of sewage pipe network and appurtenant works 目前我國城市建設發展迅速,城市水體保護越來越受到重視,相應的污水處理設施也越來越完善,污水管網及其附屬設施的信息量越來越大。