
appurtenance n.1.〔常 pl.〕附屬物,從屬物。2.【法律】(財產...

Consequently , navassa became an american “ appurtenance “ ? not quite a territory but still indisputably american 因此,納弗沙成為美國屬地,不完全是美國領土,但毋庸置疑的屬于美國。


The party salved shall cooperate fully with the salvor including obtaining permit of entry to the place as defined in clause 1 of this contract and allowing the salvor to make reasonable use , free of expenses , of the vessel ' s machinery , gear , equipment , anchor and anchor chains , stores and other appurtenances provided that the salvor shall not unnecessarily damage , abandon or sacrifice the same or any other property salved 第二條被救助方應與救助方通力合作,包括獲得準許進入合同第一條規定的地點;免費提供救助方合理使用船上的機器、裝置、設備、錨、錨鏈、物料和其他屬具,但救助方不應無故損壞、拋棄或犧牲上述物件或其他被救財產。

Comprehensive arrangement the location of kitchen & toilet in the house , rational division of the space of the kitchen & toilet ( eg . it is necessary to separate the dry from humid space in toilet , the clean from contaminated space in kitchen ) , it is emphasized that decent space for kitchen & toilet and some flexible space is advocated in the design , the appurtenances arrangement should be coped with the human engineer , it is better to design pipe well and equipment layer to accommodate the various meters , wires and pipes . in order to save energy and water , it is recommend to use solar energy and the different quality water 本著“以人為本”的設計思想,提出適宜經濟適用住宅的整體廚衛設計思路和方法,即:綜合協調廚衛在住宅中的位置;對廚衛空間進行合理分隔(衛生間干濕分離,廚房潔污分離) ;廚衛各空間必須具有適宜的空間尺度和面積保障,并提倡具備一定的面積彈性設計;依據人體工效學原理進行廚衛部分設備的綜合布局;利用管道井、設備層綜合布局各種管線儀表;采用分質供水設計系統和太陽能供能系統,達到節水節能;注重廚衛的排煙通風設計,提高室內環境質量;考慮廚衛的適應能力,注重通用設計。

The property is sold and will be assigned subject to all rights of way and other rights and privileges easements and quasi - easements and public rights ( if any ) affecting the same and to all restrictive and other covenants or conditions contained in the said government lease ( s ) or conditions ( as the case may be ) and to the payment of all future government rent and premium ( if any ) and together with all rights of way easements right privileges and appurtenances enjoyed therewith and subject also to and with the benefit of the deed of mutual covenant and management agreement ( if any ) respectively referred to in the foregoing particulars 此物業出售和轉讓是依照現有之公眾通路權和其他權利和特權地役權和類似地役權和公眾權益之各種限制及官地租契或批地條款(如有的話)所列條款之規定,買主并須承擔繳付將來政府地稅及補地價費用(如有的話)及享有公眾通路權地役權特權和從屬權及依據和擁有以上章程內所述之樓宇公契及管理協議(如有的話)等規定的權益。

In 1994 , the criterion of highway safety appurtenance design and construction was issued in our county , it makes a specific provision on design and use of several guardrails , but much of its content follows foreign experience . so we must enhance our knowledge on safety performance of rigid guardrail . it is necessary for us to study the process and response of vehicle impacting guardrail and to accumulate technical data for guardrail design 1994年我國頒布的《高速公路交通安全設施設計及施工規范》 ,對包括剛性護欄在內的各類護欄的設計和使用都作了明確規定,但其大部分內容均為沿用國外經驗,因此,國內對于剛性護欄安全性能的研究仍是一項有待加強的工作,有必要針對我國的具體情況,研究汽車沖撞護欄的過程與反應,為我國護欄設計積累必要的技術數據。

The forces of frame are very complexed because of its functions such as orienting wheelsets , supporting tilting mechanism , car body and hanging equipment , transferring traction force , braking and tilting forces , and fixing appurtenances 由于構架在結構上起著定位輪對、支撐傾擺機構、車體、吊掛裝置、傳遞牽引力、制動力、傾擺力及安裝附件的作用,其受力狀態非常復雜。

The youngsters , not immediately within sight , seemed rather bright and desirable appurtenances than otherwise ; the incidents of daily life were not without humorousness and jollity in their aspect there 她生的一群小孩子,一旦不在眼前,就似乎不是叫人討厭,而是叫人感到聰明可愛坐在那兒,日常生活中的瑣事也就有了幽默和歡樂。

If water hammer occured as the water is full , the steam pipeline , appurtenance , support should be checked . only when there is no abnormal condition observed , can the normal oparation resumed 若滿水時還出現水擊現象,則在恢復水位后,還應檢查蒸氣管道、附件、支架等,無異常時才恢復正常運行。

Straightening his fur coat and putting on his hunting appurtenances , he mounted his sleek , well - fed , quiet , good - humoured viflyanka , who was turning grey like himself 他弄平皮襖,裝備好獵用的工具,騎上他那匹像他一樣毛色斑白膘肥光滑,馴順善良的“維夫梁卡” 。

Consequently , navassa became an american “ appurtenance “ ? not quite a territory but still indisputably american 因此,納弗沙成為美國屬地,不完全是美國領土,但毋庸置疑的屬于美國。

Cert holders ' data report inst or shop assembly nuclear power plant components , supports appurtenances 工廠裝配的核電站元器件支撐件和附件的合格證書持有人的數據報告

This tool has complete normative appurtenances and especially appurtenances for consumer ' s choices 本機床有較齊全的標準附件和特殊附件供用戶選擇。

Specification for steel components anticorrosion of highway traffic engineering appurtenances 高速公路交通工程鋼構件防腐技術條件

Air gap fittings for use with plumbing fixtures , appliances , and appurtenances 與衛生設備器具和附件一起使用的空隙配件

Certificate holders ' data report for identical nuclear parts appurtenances 相同核部件和附件合格證書持有人的數據報告

Specification for design and construction of expressway safety appurtenances 高速公路交通安全設施設計及施工技術規范

Air gap fittings for use with plumbing fixtures , appliances and appurtenances 衛生設備器具和附件的空隙配套件

Safety guardrail is an important appurtenance to ensure traffic safety 防撞護欄是確保交通安全的重要設施。

Bases , ballasts , pavements , and appurtenances 室外道路和地坪