
approximation n.1.接近;近似。2.【數學】近似值。3.概算,略計。...

Its discovery engendered the “sudden freezing“ approximation for relaxing nozzle flows . 這一事實的發現導致了松馳噴管流動“突然凍結”的近似概念。


Combination of approximation spaces and its applications 近似空間的合成及其應用

Support vector machine for curve approximation 一種基于支持向量機的曲線逼近方法

Plate tectonic analysis of basin systems interspersed in orogenic belts requires that the effects of approximation be carefully distinguished from those of separation . 分析造山帶中盆地系的板塊構造時,需要將靠近作用與分離作用仔細區分開來。

As a rough approximation of the rate of income growth per capita, one can subtract the rate of increase in population from the rate of growth in total income . 人們可從總收入增長率中減去人口增長率,得出人均收入增長率的一個粗略近似值。

The importance of the steady state approximation is that it greatly simplifies the solution of the rate equations in complex consecutive reaction pathways . 穩態近似法的重要性是,它大大簡化了在復雜的連串反應途徑中速度方程的求解。

The correlation may be used with reasonable confidence for all gas-liquid systems and as a rough approximation for liquid-liquid systems . 這個相關規律用于所有的氣-液相體系是可信賴的,但對液-液相體系來說只能算是粗略的近似。

Similarly, high heat flows are to be expected among the active or not-too-long extinct magmatic belts of plate approximation zones . 同樣,在板塊相互靠近的地帶的活動巖漿帶或熄滅不久的巖漿帶中也可以出現高熱流。

We have a vast system of trial and error-of successive approximation to an equilibrium system of price and production . 我們具有一個逐步改正誤差的范圍廣泛的制度,它是一種逐步接近均衡的價格和生產的制度。

In this form(3. 79)is used for practical approximation of the corrections for the topographic relief in the surroundings of the hole . 在這一形式下,式(379)可以使鉆孔周圍的地形改正值實際上接近真值。

We find that there are reasonable approximations to all three modes, but the application of all such approximations must be made with caution . 我們發現,三種模態都有適當的近似式,但應用它們必須謹慎。

The validity of the centralfield approximation rests on the great mass of the sun and on the relatively great separation of the planets . 中心場近似的準確性基于太陽的巨大質量以及行星之間的巨大距離。

For any approximation to be valid it must provide a result that is in some sense close to the solution of the original problem . 任何有效的近似式必須在某種意義上提供一個接近于原問題解的結果。

The first approximation would make everything depend on the capitalized money value of the individual's prospective receipts . 第一種近似意義是以個人預期進款的資本化的貨幣價值為其中心。

The approximation of a linear dependency between heat flow and temperature difference leads to satisfactory results . 在熱流量與溫度差之間,近似地采用線性關系,也能得出令人滿意的結果。

Levins chooses another approximation to solve the problem of the combined effects of migration and selection . 萊溫斯采用了另一種近似法來解決遷移和選擇的聯合效應問題。

The black-disk approximation used so far reproduces the coarse features, but not the finer details . 應用至今的黑圓盤近似值雖然再現了概貌,但不能再現更為詳細的細節。

A satisfactory approximation to monochromatic light can be obtained with a filter placed in front of the arc . 在碳弧前面放一個濾光片就可以得到令人滿意的近單色光。

In attempting quantitative quantum mechanical treatment of chemical bonds, approximations must be made . 在試圖定量地用量子力學去處理化學鍵時,人們必須采用近似法。