
approximate vt.1.使接近。2.接近;走近。3.近似,約計。4.模...

At higher temperatures the equation of state becomes better and better approximated by the “perfect gas“ law . 在更高的溫度區內,狀態方程越來越接近于“理想氣體”定律。


The tv repairman approximated the cost at fifty dollars 電視修理工估價為50美元。

Information entropy and approximate entropy of sleep eeg 睡眠腦電的信息熵和近似熵

His income this year approximates to 8 , 000 dollars 他今年的收入接近八千美元。

The color of the curtains approximates that of the rug 窗簾的顏色和地毯相近。

The cost of the project will approximate $ 10 , 000 這個項目的成本大約為一萬美金。

Catagenesis condition for approximate theorem - proving 近似定理證明中的退化條件

The total income this year approximates 10 , 000 dollars 今年總收入接近一萬元。

The train ' s approximate time of arrival is 10 : 30 列車到達的時間大約是10 : 30 。

His description of the event approximates to the fact 他對事件的描述接近事實。

For vlsi, a plane surface may be approximated by depositing the interlevel dielectric by bias-sputter deposition (see section 9. 2. 4) or by using planarization . 對于超大規模集成電路的平面狀表面,可以用偏置濺射淀積法的層間介質淀積(見924節)或用平面化工藝來近似獲得。

For design calculations, it is usually adequate to use the theoretical value for the approximate mixture ratio, corrected by a typical combustion efficiency factor . 對于設計計算,采用相應混合比的理論值,并用典型的燃燒效率系數來修正,通常這樣做是恰當的。

After close observation for premonitory indications, the danger area is narrowed down, and the approximate scale and time of occurrence determined . 在對預兆進行細心觀察之后就把危險區縮小,并確定出地震發生的大概震級和時間。

The striking fact about heron's work is his commingling of rigorous mathematics and the approximate procedures and formulas of the egyptians . Heron的工作突出之點是他把嚴密的數學同埃及人的近似方法和公式融合在一起。

Generally, one approximates a blackbody in the laboratory by a hollow insulated enclosure which contains a small hole in the wall . 一般地說,人們在實驗室中用壁上帶有一個小孔的空心絕緣殼來近似模擬一個黑體。

The ultimate goal of a simulation is to approximate chamber pressure so as to detect and define the source of undesired pressure variation . 模擬的主要目標是在接近室壓下探測和確定不希望有的壓力變化的來源。

We can approximate the growth in total welfare of society as the simple weighted sum of the growth of income in each class . 把每個階層的收入增長化為簡單權數,我們可以估算出整個社會總福利的增長。

Also, the difference in pressure between any two points in a bed is roughly approximated by the static head of bed between these points . 還有,床層中任意兩點間的壓差大致等于這兩點間床層靜壓頭。

The behaviour of some materials, notably structural steel, can often be approximated by a stres-strain curve . 某些材料的受力狀態,比如值得注意的鋼結構,通常可以近似地用應力--應變曲線來描述。