
approved adj.已被承認的;良好的;有效的。 an approv...

“ beautiful “ is a serious and approving description , suggesting elegance and perfection . “Beautiful”是個認真的、表示贊許的描述,表示高雅和完美。

John sunley did not approve of her mother letting rooms; she considered it “low“ . 詹妮森利不贊成母親把房子租出去,她認為這樣做“低人一等”。

approved school

“ beautiful “ is a serious and approving description , suggesting elegance and perfection . “Beautiful”是個認真的、表示贊許的描述,表示高雅和完美。

John sunley did not approve of her mother letting rooms; she considered it “low“ . 詹妮森利不贊成母親把房子租出去,她認為這樣做“低人一等”。