
approve vt.1.批準,認可 (opp. reject)。2.贊...

“ beautiful “ is a serious and approving description , suggesting elegance and perfection . “Beautiful”是個認真的、表示贊許的描述,表示高雅和完美。

John sunley did not approve of her mother letting rooms; she considered it “low“ . 詹妮森利不贊成母親把房子租出去,她認為這樣做“低人一等”。


Sometimes he instantly approved a proposal whose prospects seemed exceedingly slight . 有時他立刻就批準了一項建議,但這項建議的前景卻似乎是十分渺茫的。

“ beautiful “ is a serious and approving description , suggesting elegance and perfection . “Beautiful”是個認真的、表示贊許的描述,表示高雅和完美。

To tell you the truth i think it makes very little difference whether you and i approve or not . 跟你說真的,我認為不管你我贊成不贊成都沒有什么兩樣。

Throughout the world, other countries were rushing to approve peptide 7 and obtain supplies . 在世界各地,其它國家也趕緊批準縮氨酸7號,并索取供貨。

John sunley did not approve of her mother letting rooms; she considered it “low“ . 詹妮森利不贊成母親把房子租出去,她認為這樣做“低人一等”。

No matter what list of courses would be offered, it would not be approved by all . 不管拿出一個什么樣的課程表來,總不會得到每一個人的認可。

The proposal that he was to seek homes for them was immediately approved by everyone . 要他給大家找個安身之所,這個主意立即得到大家的贊同。

The secretary-general's actions were subsequently unanimously approved by the general assembly . 秘書長的這一行動后來得到大會一致的贊同。

The crowd approved the choice and stumpy was wise enough to bow to the majority . 這個選擇大伙兒都同意,斯頓皮也聰明地順從了大家的意見。

The house of representatives approved the commission's recommendation on january 9, 1902 . 眾議院于1902年1月9日批準該委員會的建議書。

Players have to try out for the team and be approved by a majority of players . 他們入隊當運動員要經過選拔并取得多數運動員的同意。

To achieve all this, the national governments must approve some 300 directives . 要達到這一切,各成員國政府必須批準大約300項指令。

In response to the president's appeal, congress approved the federal emergency relief act . 國會響應總統呼吁,通過聯邦緊急救濟法。

It looks as if she didn't approve of our marriage, and it makes people talk . 看來她似乎不贊成我們的婚姻,這未免使人們說閑話。

One common solution to approving projects is to pick the man instead of the proposal . 批準計劃的常用辦法是看人而不看計劃。

This system is approved in california for local smog-station installation . 這種系統已通過了加利福尼亞州城市煙霧站的鑒定。

Oh my son, you ought to make such a marriage as wise men would approve . 哦,我的兒子!你應該締結那睿智者贊許的婚姻。