
approval n.1.贊成,同意。2.批準;認可。短語和例子Do no...

“ device “ is often used implying approval of a useful machine or instrument . “device”常含褒義,指某機器或工具很有用處。


In chinese fashion, everything was orchestrated to suggest an approval and cooperation . 一切都按照中國方式經過特意安排,造成一種贊揚與合作的氣氛。

He intimated his intention to seek parliamentary approval for the use of the royal dispensing power . 他宣布他企圖尋求議會對王室行使豁免權的批準。

He had not submitted in advance for the approval of his comrades in the party presidium . 他事先沒有征求黨的主席團同志的意見,并取得他們的同意。

The question--posed with dramatic rhetoric--produced a hum of approval from spectators . 問題的提出富于戲劇性和修辭美,引起了一陣贊許的嗡嗡聲。

Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cosy approval of one another . 批評家們喜歡攻擊他們在飲食上過于揮霍,彼此互相標榜。

Please return at your earliest convenience the manuscript [draft ; material] submitted to you for approval . 前請審閱之件,請早日擲還為荷。

I must rely on you to keep the king informed at every angle and obtain his approval . 我得仰仗你來使國王獲知各方面的消息,并取得他的批準。

Lynde came up with a look of keen approval written on his handsome brown face . 林德迎上去,他那漂亮的褐色面孔上顯出一副極端贊賞的神氣。

He had absolutely violated the seal which had been made sacred by her approval . 他已經完全破壞了經她認可后變得神圣不可侵犯的那個封印。

Mrs. hatch showed from the first an almost touching desire for lily's approval . 從一開始;哈琪太太就千方百計表示她希望得到麗莉的好感。

He had to get approval to register for the exam from the party secretary of the factory . 他需得到廠黨委書記的同意,才能報名參加考試。

These committees then submit proposals for approval to plenary meeting of the assembly . 委員會向大會全體會議提交提案并由大會通過。

The financial department reviews projects submitted for the board of director's approval . 財政部門檢查提交給董事會審批的各項目。

After all, he's decided on them himself, and he has the boss's stamp of approval . 畢竟,那是他自己決定的,可得到上司的批準。

“ device “ is often used implying approval of a useful machine or instrument . “device”常含褒義,指某機器或工具很有用處。

All those who were in favour signified their approval in the customary manner . 所有贊成的人都按通常方式表示了他們的意見。

Mothers and fathers show their approval of what is happening by dropping in on classes . 家長參觀課堂教學后,表示很贊許。

Many states have submitted compliance plans and obtained eda approval . 很多州已經提出了相應的計劃并得到環保局的批準。