
appropriative adj.1.專用[私用]的。2.盜用的,挪用的,占用的。...

True “ seal model “ unlike before simple and antirust processing , just besmeared in chassis a grease will separate the branch that remove water in the past , but without other function , useful still bitumen is appropriative on the market now “ seal model “ , this did not rise to protect action to chassis not only , corrode chassis instead , cause fire more easily , and can keep period of time only 真正的“封塑”不同于以往的簡單防銹處理,過去只是在底盤涂上一層油脂來隔除水分,但無其它功能,現在市場上還有用瀝青充當“封塑” ,這不僅沒有對底盤起到保護作用,反而腐蝕底盤,更輕易引起火災,且只能維持一段時間。

In software design , this article employed bc + + powerful function to compile the appropriative function with absolution function and blocking ? it “ s very convenient for software to graft in the system o practical application demonstrated that this system is accurate and reliable , rapid and convenient , economical and practical in use , and the achievement of this system is extensively technologically general , and has wide application vistas o 在軟件方面,該文運用bc + +語言的強大功能,編寫出具有獨立功能和模塊化的專用函數,使軟件具有較好的移植功能。實踐表明,該系統準確可靠,快速方便,經濟實用,具有一定的通用性和推廣價值。


Then the component libraries and retrieval method are analyzed , then several software architectures are compared and “ plug and play ” characteristic is used as infrastructure for constructing the embedded software development platform . the classifying strategy for universal components , appropriative components ( such as embedded os and middleware ) and case tools is discussed . and then , the classification methods for embedded components and the corresponding libraries management strategies are presented based on the analysis described above . finally , using a ‘ platform for vehicle electron ’ as an example , an information management system supporting management of components and development information targeted for embedded software development process is designed and implemented , and its effectiveness is evaluated by prototype verification and corresponding testing , which may benefit software development in efficiency and quality 本文實現的主要工作包括:研究構件技術和基于構件的軟件開發方法,并分析了構件庫及構件分類檢索策略;因為嵌入式軟件開發平臺的選取是因不同的軟件體系結構而異的,所以本文對幾種軟件體系結構進行分析比較并最終選擇工具軟總線這種“即插即用”的結構作為開發平臺信息管理的基礎,接著探討了嵌入式集成開發環境中通用構件、專用構件(操作系統構件和應用中間件構件)的分類依據;討論了工具構件的實體形式;根據分析對上述構件進行分類,并針對不同的構件類型提出不同的構件檢索機制,從而得出一個相對完善的嵌入式開發環境的構件庫管理策略,最終設計了一種基于工具軟總線的嵌入式集成開發構件庫。

Overvoltage amplitude is higher than initialization value , data acqusition card start sampling . when sampling is over , computer save data to file . engineer can analyse parameter of waveform by appropriative software reading data from file . in the trial measurement , the device shows good performance . simulant trial and actual result indicate that method in the paper acquire approving effect , and the device can be used in the lokv distribution network 當裝置在線運行時,系統中出現的過電壓信號通過分壓器傳遞到同軸電纜,通過觸發電路判斷,如果大于預先設定的值則啟動采集卡的同時采樣,采樣結束后,計算機把數據存盤并以文件格式保存,管理人員隨時通過調用專用軟件調取文件進行各種參數分析。

The author excogitated a kind of appropriative mud jacking material which is made up of cement , sand , fly ash , admixture and water . this material which was developed on the basis of large amount of tests has the proprieties of good self - flowing density , high earlier strength , non - segregation , non - weepage and non - contractility . especially , the author aim at dealing with pumping mud and earlier maintained developed a kind of high flow grade material which can meet the requirement of mud jacking 本文研制了專用壓漿材料,采用水泥、砂、粉煤灰、外加劑和水混拌而成,通過大量實驗配制出的漿液具有自流淌密實性好、早期強度高、無離析、無泌水、無收縮的性能,特別是針對路面唧泥處理或預防性養護,板底脫空量較小,研制出高流動度材料,能滿足壓漿施工的需要。

When you are feazed by the familiar problems of the product becoming damp or mildewy etc and expect to solve urgently , when you are perplexed by the phenomena of the product packing becoming wrinkly , cracked , frosted , fogged or breakable and leaky etc or when you look for the hot wrapper of low temperature and hope to buy into the superior quality warpper , zhongan plastics industry limited company will provides exhaustive solution for you with its advanced technique , appropriative material and good equipment 當您為產品受潮、霉變等常見難題困擾而迫切期待解決時,當您為產品包裝的折皺、折裂、結霜、霧化、蒸煮時易破易漏等現象而困惑時,當您尋求低溫熱封包材時,當您希望購進最優質包裝材料的時候,中安塑業運用先進的技術、專用的材料、優良的設備給您提供徹底的解決方案。

Also the hazard resonance phenomenon of benchmark circuits is detected , which can be used to accelerate the power estimation with very good results . at the same time , a transient dynamic power estimation method aiming at power - up circuits is proposed , the appropriative power model and simulation result are detailed in this paper 這部分內容主要解決的關鍵問題是確定一個簡單而相對精確的較高層的靜態功耗模型,并使用更多上層功耗信息來加速較低層次的功耗估計方法,是本文重要的創新點。

This paper paid great concern to these problems and tried to solve them in various ways . recently , along with domestic economy persistent stabilize develop , domestic coastal container transportation have rising very much . the speed of the quantity of container transportation growing is more than the quantity of foreign trade container . all the most the shipping company add ship to operate the domestic coastal container liner , most big ports have begin to pay attention to the development , use large cost establish appropriative wharf assemble and unassembled 近幾年來,隨著國內經濟的持續穩定發展,我國沿海內貿集裝箱運輸出現了喜人的發展勢頭,集裝箱運量增長幅度遠遠超過同期外貿集裝箱箱量的增長速度,各航運企業紛紛投入運力開辟沿海內貿集裝箱的運輸航線,沿海各大港口也開始重視內貿集裝箱的發展,積極投入資金建設內貿集裝箱專用碼頭和裝卸設備,國內貨主對沿海內貿集裝箱的認識也逐漸加深,陸運轉為海運的適箱貨貨量越來越大。

Comparing with developed country , there are many basic researching works need to do . the main representation consist that the appropriative simulation softwares for power thermal system were basically fetched in . this will make against innovation and popularize of simulation technology 我國在系統建模與仿真( modelingandsimulation )方面發展迅速并取得重大成就,但由于起步比較晚,和發達國家比較還有一定的差距,主要表現在主要的仿真軟件基本上都是引進的,不利于仿真技術在我國的發展和推廣。

Condition of fundamental facility that the capital can provide : convenient transportation on land and water , complete water and electricity supply , appropriative railway , the dragon gate crane for packing to unload the goods , work place , wharf , workshop over 20 , 000 kilometers and smooth land 項目引資地可提供的基礎設施情況:水陸交通便利,廠區供水、供電設施齊備:廠內有鐵路專用線,裝卸貨物的龍門吊和作業場所俱備,有水運碼頭,有2萬多平方米的廠房建筑,土地平整。

So it is necessa1y to studyil1g deeply of natiol1al appropriative opefation information network security under tl1e studying of security system principle w1ich is universal relation , aj1d tl1e real circumstances of such nets of naoin , this tl1esis advances a secllrity demand al1d tactics to meet the naoin . lt laid special stress on sttlciyi11g basic principle and technology of pkl / ca ( public key infi ' astructlire / certificatiol1 autllority ) , and tl1e way wliich cai1 be used i11 naoin . and it dctailed discuss tl1e way that would be coming tttie in u1e tra1sfornlil1g believable cl1viro11mel1t of inner naoin , wllich is using parca tech11ique 本文通過對普遍適用的安全體系原理及國家專用業務信息網這類特定信息系統的實際情況的研究,提出滿足國家專用業務信息網的安全需求和安全策略;重點研究了pki ca的基本原理和技術,及其在國家專用業務信息網中的實現方法,詳細論述了利用pki ca技術改造本單位專用業務信息網的可信任環境的實現方法;最后對基于ca的pmi (授權管理基礎設施)及其與pki的關系進行了探討。

True “ seal model “ unlike before simple and antirust processing , just besmeared in chassis a grease will separate the branch that remove water in the past , but without other function , useful still bitumen is appropriative on the market now “ seal model “ , this did not rise to protect action to chassis not only , corrode chassis instead , cause fire more easily , and can keep period of time only 真正的“封塑”不同于以往的簡單防銹處理,過去只是在底盤涂上一層油脂來隔除水分,但無其它功能,現在市場上還有用瀝青充當“封塑” ,這不僅沒有對底盤起到保護作用,反而腐蝕底盤,更輕易引起火災,且只能維持一段時間。

In software design , this article employed bc + + powerful function to compile the appropriative function with absolution function and blocking ? it “ s very convenient for software to graft in the system o practical application demonstrated that this system is accurate and reliable , rapid and convenient , economical and practical in use , and the achievement of this system is extensively technologically general , and has wide application vistas o 在軟件方面,該文運用bc + +語言的強大功能,編寫出具有獨立功能和模塊化的專用函數,使軟件具有較好的移植功能。實踐表明,該系統準確可靠,快速方便,經濟實用,具有一定的通用性和推廣價值。

Divider , coaxial line , trigger , signal processing , data acquisition , acquisition control and waveform analysis software is included in the device . when the device operate in the system , overvoltage is transferred to coaxial line by the divider . if the overvoltage amplitude is higher than initialization value , data acqusition card start sampling . when sampling is over , computer save data to file . engineer can analyse parameter of waveform by appropriative software reading data from file 當裝置在線運行時,系統中出現的過電壓信號通過分壓器傳遞到同軸電纜,通過觸發電路判斷,如果大于預先設定的值則啟動采集卡的同時采樣,采樣結束后,計算機把數據存盤并以文件格式保存,管理人員隨時通過調用專用軟件調取文件進行各種參數分析。

Secondly , we expatiate the work principle and the implemental method of ir wireless communication system and strongpoint and flaw of ir coding , then constitute the ir communication protocol which is used by both main body of charge station and appropriative remote device , design idiographic circuit of it 其次闡述了紅外無線通訊的原理、實現方法以及各種紅外編碼的優缺點;進而詳細制定了充電站主體和專用遙控器共同使用的紅外通訊協議,設計了具體的實現方法。

Complied with vacuum dryness principle , separation project , precise filtration technology and absorption refinement technology , jzl appropriative recycle vacuum insulation oil purifier is ideal filtration equipment for heavy degraded insulation oil and other low - viscosity lubricating oil 系列絕緣油再生專用真空濾油機是本公司應用真空干燥原理分離工程,精密過濾技術和吸附精制技術研制生產,是再凈化處理嚴重劣化變質的絕緣油和其它低粘度潤滑油的理想設備。

Such as apc ( advanced process control ) software , there are several limitations in existing apc software products as follows : ( 1 ) poor function and low integration ; ( 2 ) appropriative driver with poor openability ; ( 3 ) inflexible structure with poor adaptability ; ( 4 ) low reusability and poor stability 以先進控制軟件為例,現有的先進控制軟件產品主要存在如下一些局限: 1功能單一,集成度低; 2接口專用,開放性差; 3

Along with the acceleration of the social information process , the establishement of the inf ' ormation systems in the important apparatus of states sucl1 as govemments and troops , national appropriative operation lnfonnation networkpeaoin is in ergently needed . 隨著社會信息化進程的加快,特別是使用internet intranet技術建立起來的信息系統在政府、軍隊等國家重要部門的應用,應運而生了國家專用業務信息網絡。

For example : the high frequency digital oscilloscope , the appropriative debugging , tests computer , eprom read - write , the multimedia computer video frequency signal generating device , the digital camera , dmm , weatherometer , the wave ridge welding machine and so on 如:高頻數字示波器專用調試測試電腦eprom讀寫器多媒體電腦視頻信號發生器數碼相機數字萬用表器件測試老化臺波峰焊機等等。