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appropriation bill 〔美國〕(提交議會的)歲出預算案,撥款預算案。


Speech by the secretary for planning , environment lands , mr bowen leung , in response to the debate on appropriation bill 1998 in the provisional legislative council on march 18 , 1998 ?生福利局局長霍羅兆貞在臨時立法會會議上回應預算案辯論致辭全文(三月十八日)

Speech by the secretary for education and manpower , mr joseph w p wong , in resuming the second debate on the 2000 appropriation bill at the legislative council on april 5 , 2000 保安局局長葉劉淑儀在立法會會議就《公安條例》的政府議案的致辭全文(十二月二十日)

Speech by the chief secretary for administration , the hon donald tsang , in resuming the debate on the second reading of the appropriation bill 2002 in the legislative council 政務司司長曾蔭權在立法會會議席上恢復2002年撥款條例草案二讀辯論時的致辭全文

Speech by the financial secretary , mr donald tsang , in concluding the second reading debate of the appropriation bill 2000 in the legislative council on april 5 , 2000 政務司司長陳方安生在立法會會議上恢復《撥款條例草案》二讀辯論的致辭全文(四月五日)

At the council meetings for debate on the appropriation bill and for the policy debate , there will be no arrangement for members to put oral questions to the government 立法會在會議上辯論撥款法案和施政報告時,不會安排議員向政府提出口頭質詢。

Speech by the financial secretary , mr antony leung , in concluding the debate on the second reading of the appropriation bill 2002 in the legislative council 財政司司長梁錦松在立法會會議上總結二二年撥款條例草案二讀辯論的致辭全文

Speech by the financial secretary , mr antony leung , in concluding the debate on the second reading of the appropriation bill 2003 in the legislative council 財政司司長梁錦松在立法會總結二三年撥款條例草案二讀辯論演詞全文

Speech by the financial secretary , mr donald tsang , concluding the debate on the second reading of the appropriation bill 1998 on march 18 , 1998 房屋局局長黃星華在香港電臺香港家書廣播節目頌讀的家書內容全文三月二十一日

Speech by the financial secretary , mr henry tang , concluding the debate on the second reading of the appropriation bill 2004 in the legislative council 財政司司長唐英年在立法會總結二四年撥款條例草案二讀辯論的演辭全文

The former will be included in the appropriation bill while the latter will be introduced in one or more omnibus revenue bill 開支建議包括在撥款條例草案內,而收入建議則會納入一條或多條綜合收入條例草案。

The appropriation bill will be introduced into legislative council legco on the budget day with a view to its enactment in april 撥款條例草案會在財政司司長宣讀財政預算案當日提交立法會,以期于四月制定。

This will take effect from the 200304 tax year . ( the financial secretary moved that the appropriation bill 2004 be read a second time on 10 march 2004 ) 日財政司司動議二讀二零零四年撥款條例草案的演詞

Committee stage amendments to appropriation bill 2004 proposed by hon james to kun - sun and hon cheung man - kwong 涂謹申議員及張文光議員擬就2004年撥款條例草案提出的全體委員會審議階段修正案

We talked about a variety of issues - - talked about the defense appropriations bill , and terrorism insurance , and an energy bill 布什在會談結束后告訴新聞記者,談話的主題是伊拉克問題。

Speech by the financial secretary , mr henry tang , on the appropriation bill 2006 in the legislative council 財政司司長唐英年在立法會會議上就二六年撥款條例草案致辭全文

Congress leaves for its summer break in august ( thereafter it will do little but pass appropriations bills ) 國會在8月份將放暑假(因此它能做的只不過通過撥款案) 。

Speech by the financial secretary , concluding the debate on the second reading of the appropriation bill 2000 財政司司長總結二年撥款條例草案二讀辯論演詞

The government s budget is presented to the legislative council in the form of an appropriation bill :財政預算案以撥款法案的形式提交立法會。

Committee stage the council went into committee and considered the appropriation bill 1997 本局進入全體委員審議階段,審議1997年撥款條例草案