
appropriate vt.1.擅用,挪用,占用,盜用。2.〔美口〕盜取(少量...


Appropriate immunization against tetanus must be given to all patients with full thickness burn injury . 對所有全厚度燒傷的病人都必須給予破傷風免疫注射。

Connected with the problem of control is the question of the appropriate size for the supporting grant . 與控制問題相聯系的是補助撥款多少才合理的問題。

I really don't feel it's appropriate to continue the discussion in such a large forum . 我真地認為,以這樣一種大規模座談會的方式來繼續討論是不適當的。

She showed him the rembrandt's works, and she said many appropriate things about them . 她又領他看了倫勃朗的作品,還對這些作品講了許多恰如其分的話。

Administration of the appropriate antimicrobial drug may be successful in removing evidence of infection . 使用適宜的抗菌藥物,以利于消除感染癥狀。

The area required for a cooling pond can be estimated for the appropriate climatic condition . 冷卻池所需要的面積,可以根據具體的氣候條件加以估算。

She could hardly believe that wildeve would really appropriate money belonging to her son . 她覺得韋狄仿佛不至于會當真把她兒子的錢自己摟起來。

The loss of an almost insignificant weight is sufficient to produce an appropriate displacement . 甚至稍微減輕一點兒負擔,都要發生顯著的變化。

Exploring the future of natural resources and the natural environment is particularly appropriate . 探索自然資源和環境的未來是尤為重要的。

Much of central asia was appropriated by the tsars only in the nineteenth century . 中亞細亞的大部分地區只是到了十九世紀才被沙皇所吞并。

He was not sure what would be the appropriate reply, so he smiled and looked away . 他不知道如何恰到好處地回答,就笑了笑把眼光轉向別處。

She again entreated his forgiveness for so selfishly appropriating the cottage . 她為自己這么自私地占用了這座農舍而再次懇求他的原諒。

He got congress to appropriate $25 million to resettle destitute families on farms . 他叫國會撥款二千五百萬美元在農村安置貧困的家庭。

At this time, it is not apparent what the basis for a more appropriate choice should be . 這時并不清楚,要適當的選擇的基礎應是什么。

One can see that the appropriate radiation condition causes the second term to drop . 很容易看到,適當的幅射條件將使第二項不復存在。

Properly used, and not hackneyed, the words are good and appropriate . 如果用得得當,而不是濫用的話,這幾個字倒是恰當的好字眼。

Radiometric techniques are not always appropriate to the earth for uranium deposits . 放射性方法在鈾礦普查中并不總是有效的。

This idempotent ultrafilter enables us to find an appropriate infinite set . 這個冪等的超濾子能使我們找到一個適當的無限集。

The big banks agree to buy out the little banks at an appropriate discount . 大銀行同意按適當的折價把欠貸的小銀行全買過來。