
approbatory adj.表示贊許的,表示同意的。


The following belongings of the enterprise can serve as insurance mark : 1 , belong to insurant all or the belongings that be shared with other and is in charge of by insurant ; 2 , by insurant management or the belongings that keep for other ; 3 , other the property that has jural approbatory and insurant to have economic interests 企業的下列財產可作為保險標的: 1 、屬于被保險人所有或與他人共有而由被保險人負責的財產; 2 、由被保險人經營治理或替他人保管的財產; 3 、其他具有法律上承認的與被保險人有經濟利害關系的財產。

The money that chinese foreign trade uses commonly is the approbatory on international actually 6 big hard currency : 1 dollar 2 pound 3 franc 4 switzerland franc 5 yen 6 euro no matter what commerce ; also no matter industrial structure is this 6 ( be without a relation with industrial category actually ) 中國對外貿易一般使用的貨幣實際上就是國際上承認的6大硬通貨: 1美元2英鎊3法郎4瑞士法郎5日元6歐元不管什么貿易;也不管產業結構都是這6個(其實與產業類別毫無關系) 。

Obligatory course cheng avoids long avoid take an examination of the regulation that replaces with credit to see next tables : curricular type replaces scale of mandatory total credit to replace cheng of way cable a lecture given to a large number of students ( contain seeing and hearing to be born ) 100 % avoid long avoid take an examination of a country to teach oneself exam course 40 % avoid long avoid take an examination of course of cooperative colleges and universities 100 % avoid long avoid take an examination of course of other colleges and universities 50 % avoid long unavoidable one ' s deceased father for example , if you are the student that report opens education to be not english major greatly , you had obtained record of formal schooling of major of national approbatory english before study is registered ( specialized subject above ) , or the letter of english grade exam that already obtained national organization ( 4 class above ) , can avoid after enter a school build communal english course , but this course place occupies credit to should pass take as an elective course other courses uses neat 必修課程免修免考和學分替換的規定見下表:課程類型替代必修總學分比例替代方式電大課程(含視聽生) 100 %免修免考國家自學考試課程40 %免修免考合作高等學校課程100 %免修免考其他高等學校課程50 %免修不免考例如,假如你是電大開放教育非英語專業的學生,你在學習注冊前已經獲得國家承認的英語專業學歷(專科以上) ,或已取得國家組織的英語等級考試證書( 4級以上) ,入學后可以免修公共英語課程,但該課程所占學分應通過選修其他課程補齊。

From belongings attributive or have on say , always insurant ( namely insurance application ) all or management , or keep for other , or the belongings that be shared with other place and is in charge of by insurant and the property that have other jural approbatory and insurant to have economic interests , belong to the insurance limits of company worth 從財產的歸屬或占有上說,凡是被保險人(即投保單位)所有或經營治理,或替他人保管,或與他人所共有而由被保險人負責的財產以及具有其他法律上承認的與被保險人有經濟利害關系的財產,都屬于企業財產的保險范圍。

We should enhance and perfect the mechanism on setting conflicts between well - known trademarks and domain name or other commercial marks ; carry through the “ case protection ” principle strictly on the validity of approbation and protection , so to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the owner of the well - known trade marks and the general public . the final purpose for the determination of well - known trade mark is to make special protection on it , which is different from the common trade marks . so the perfection of the specific mechanism on law is also an important part of well - known trade mark approbatory , after it has 在我國馳名商標的認定標準上,應堅持內部認定標準和外部認定標準相統一的原則;在馳名商標認定權的歸屬上應實行“二元制” ,由人民法院和商標局分別行使馳名商標認定權,并應在現有基礎上進一步加強人民法院的作用;對我國馳名商標認定后的具體法律制度的完善,也提出了一些自己的設想。

They are protected specially by the legalization of most countries and international conventions , and relevant regulations are being gradually perfected in china . the regulations are of keeping with the international conventions on the approbatory subject , approbatory standard and the scope of potection 而馳名商標認定制度堪稱我國馳名商標法律保護制度的基礎,如何確立統一、完善的馳名商標認定制度是我國商標法制建設中面臨的一項迫切任務,也是知識產權法學界理論研究領域內的一個熱門課題。

In practice , can regard company worth as safe mark have the following kinds : ( 1 ) belong to enterprise itself all or what be shared with other person and keep by this enterprise is corporeal belongings ; ( 2 ) by business management of enterprise or the tangible worth that keep for other ; ( 3 ) the tangible worth that other has jural approbatory and enterprise to have economic interests 實踐中,可作為企業財產保險的標的有以下幾種: ( 1 )屬于企業本身所有或與其它人共有而由該企業保管的有形財產; ( 2 )由企業經營治理或替他人保管的有形財產; ( 3 )其它具有法律上承認的與企業有經濟利害關系的有形財產。

Uml is the convergence of best practices in the object - technology industry . and it is a rich ; precise , extensible modeling language for object - oriented system development and software developing automation environments . uml is the representation of excellent software engineering methodology which is approbatory in large - scale and complex modeling field 它涵蓋了面向對象的分析、設計和實現,融合了早期面向對象建模方法和各種建模語言的優點;為面向對象系統的開發、軟件自動化工具與環境提供了豐富的、嚴謹的、擴充性強的表達方式。

Imo has passed stcw78 / 95 and emphasized eligibility evaluation and regarded training on radar and arpa as compulsion speciality training item that every seaman must attend . it called for making marine training and eligibility evaluation in simulator that imo approbatory , so researching on radar simulator is important . now on radar simulator we usually make radar mark by hand 為此國際海事組織( imo )通過了《 stcw78 95公約》 ,特別強調了海員的“適任性評估”的作用與要求,將雷達與arpa培訓作為船舶駕駛員必須參加的強制性專業培訓項目,同時要求應用imo認可的模擬器進行海運培訓和適任性評估,因而雷達模擬器的研究具有重要的意義。

The total credit that builds full education to plan to set ( the practice education that contains a provision asks ) , namely allow graduates , issue diploma of national approbatory undergraduate course , specialized subject 修滿教學計劃規定的總學分(含規定的實踐教學要求) ,即準予畢業,頒發國家承認的本科、專科畢業文憑。

This individual behavior that should be the staff member in industrial and commercial bureau , industrial and commercial bureau is won ' t approbatory . should be then each person assumes criminal responsibility 這個應該是工商局中工作人員的個人行為吧,工商局是不會承認的.應該是那個個人承擔刑事責任

The adult contains troy from what take an examination of is very tall actually , the class hour that if going abroad , grows up to take an examination of course oneself and credit are by approbatory 成人自考的含金量其實是很高的,出國的話成人自考課程的學時和學分是被承認的。

And these certificate are ok by approbatory of institute of flower beauty state , dozen of salary can regard as case when leaving ocean namely 而且這些證書是可以被英美國家所承認的,即留洋時可以作為打工資格的!

Of policy - holder and insurance mark between ought to have concern of jural approbatory interest 投保人與保險標的之間應當具有法律上承認的利益關系。

Will look from policy , this record of formal schooling is approbatory 從政策上來看,這個學歷是承認的。

Approbatory certificate in international offer social confidence 在國際認可的證書提供社會信心

Honorary degree ministry of education not approbatory 榮譽學位教育部不承認的。