
approbation n.1.認可,批準。2.嘉獎,稱贊。短語和例子meet ...

“ but one thing i can tell you , of which i do not think you are aware ; that is , that i have always been opposed to this marriage , and that the contract was entered into entirely without my consent or approbation . “但我可以跟您說一件事情,這件事兒我想您也許還不知道。就是,對于這門親事,我從來都是反對的,最初而談這項婚約的時候,根本沒有得到過我的同意或贊許。 ”

“ this communication , “ continued the procureur , in that cold and decisive tone which seemed at once to preclude all discussion , “ will , we are sure , meet with your approbation . “這個消息, ”檢察官用那種冷淡和堅決的口氣繼續說,似乎要斷然拒絕一切商量余地似的, “嗯,我們相信一定會得到您的贊許。 ”

“ i assure your excellency , “ said he , “ that at least it shall be my study to merit your approbation in all things , and i will take m . ali as my model . “我向大人保證, ”他說, “我要努力學習,以求在各方面合乎您的心意,我要以阿里先生為榜樣。 ”

“ joy , “ his latest - born , completed the day before and tossed into the corner for lack of stamps , won his keenest approbation 前一天才完成的最新作品歡樂,因為沒有郵資被扔到了角落里,此刻得到了他最由衷的贊美。

Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement . be “ hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise 原則6稱贊最輕微的改進并且稱贊每個改進。 “在你的許可過程中熱情和在你的贊揚過程中慷慨“ 。

“ in order to render an act valid , i must be certain of the approbation or disapprobation of my client “為了使公證有效,我必須能明白無誤地確定我的委托人對某些事是表示同意還是表示反對。

“ excellency , “ said pastrini , “ i am delighted to have your approbation , but it was not for that i came . “閣下, ”他說, “蒙您稱贊,我很高興,但我不是為這點而來的。 ”

“ nothing shall be done without the full approbation of albert de morcerf “一切當然應該得到阿爾貝馬爾塞夫的完全認可。 ”


In recent years , the company are endeavored to enter the international market . its products have already been exported to england , france , germany , italy , korea , japan , russia and some nations of western asia and get the approbation of the clothing field of all countries 近年來,曉光公司致力于打入國際市場,產品已出口到英國法國德國意大利韓國日本俄羅斯和西亞的一些國家,得到各國服裝行業的認可和稱贊。

There are much more problems in administrative examination and approbation in china , such as the sundry authorities , the work confinement out of control , the vague standard of measurement , the unperfected work procedure , charge in too many names , the supervision system in disorder 目前,我國行政審批存在著很多的問題:主體龐雜、范圍失控、標準不明確、程序不完備、收費過濫、監督機制缺乏等。

The speed of network is more high , specially when typing report forms . so the dumb terminal accessing get the approbation and appraising . thus the agriculture bank set out to apply the method to all of country 自從2002年12月改造完到至今,網絡運行良好,除由于電源問題燒毀設備外,沒出現過故障,網絡速度提高,特別是在打印報表時尤為明顯,因而得到了農行的認可和好評,并在全國開始推廣和應用。

The governments at different levels adopted a series of reformatory measures and reduced the number of items for administrative examination and approbation . however , some new questions and phenomenon have appeared along the procedure of reformation 自去年下半年起,在全國范圍內展開了行政審批制度的改革,并已取得了初步成效:各級政府相繼制定了一系列改革措施,削減行政審批項目。

In terms of grateful acknowledgment for the kindness of his brother , though expressed most concisely , he then delivered on paper his perfect approbation of all that was done , and his willingness to fulfil the engagements that had been made for him 他回信給舅爺,多謝他一片好心。他的措辭極其簡潔,只說他對一切既成事實都表示贊同,而且舅爺所提出的各項條件,他都愿意照辦。

Just in the same way ought we to act all through life , and where there are things which appear most worthy of our approbation , we ought to lay them bare and look at their worthlessness and strip them of all the words by which they are exalted 在我們的一生中,應該以方式行事,對那些看上去最值得贊許的事物,我們應該剝去其光環,露出其本來面目,看到它們也是毫無價值之物。

“ but one thing i can tell you , of which i do not think you are aware ; that is , that i have always been opposed to this marriage , and that the contract was entered into entirely without my consent or approbation . “但我可以跟您說一件事情,這件事兒我想您也許還不知道。就是,對于這門親事,我從來都是反對的,最初而談這項婚約的時候,根本沒有得到過我的同意或贊許。 ”

Hereby , this article explores into them and offers a number of initial suggestions that are expected to be beneficial to the contemporary reformation of the administrative examination and approbation 但是改革的過程中也出現了一些問題,本文針對這些問題進行了探討,并提出了幾點粗淺的建議。期望能對當前的行政審批的改革有所裨益。

So win the green mei of well - known brand “ vihus ” of consumer outside the world extensive approbation , authorization my company is asia sole agent and produce company 本公司專業生產拉桿箱、旅行箱、公文包、拖輪袋等箱包產品,以及拉桿、角輪、手把等配件產品,現已發展成擁有8條流水線的規模企業,并集針車、裝配、注塑、沖壓于一體。

It had been agreed that the old man should express his approbation by closing his eyes , his refusal by winking them several times , and if he had some desire or feeling to express , he raised them to heaven 大家早就約定假如老人表示同意,他就閉一下眼睛,假如表示不同意,就連眨幾下,假如他想說什么,他就抬眼向天。

I found him a very patient , very forbearing , and yet an exacting master : he expected me to do a great deal ; and when i fulfilled his expectations , he , in his own way , fully testified his approbation 我發現他是位耐心克制而又很嚴格的老師。他期望我做得很多,而一旦我滿足了他的期望,他又會以自己的方式表示贊許。