
approbate vt.〔美國〕認可,批準。 approbate an a...

In the fourth part , some methods such as key case study , observation and interview are adopted to analyze the deep signification of teachers “ professional experience under the current management system , such as restraint and unfairness , the feeling that it ' s hard to be approbated by the school authority , etc . these negative attitudes have greatly obstructed the realization of the organization aims and development of the school 論文的第四部分主要用關鍵事件法、觀察法、生活史的訪談法來深入分析現行管理制度和組織氛圍之一f教師職業體驗的深層含義:諸如壓制與不公, “不儀僅是錢本身、權本身的問題,而是大部分教師認為很難得到學校領導的認可”等等,并且這些教師的消極態度,已經影響了學校組織目標的實現,阻礙了學校的發展。

Come 10 years , good will reside hold to from beginning to end with rigorous management , the design of individual character , professional construction and good service won a society approbate : have the honor to win whole 1999 country to reside adornment preeminent company , did 10 beautiful decorate shenzhen 2000 is shenzhen enterprise , outstanding 2000 enterprise , is shenzhen at ease 2001 is outfit of environmental protection home an outfit enterprise , outstanding 2001 enterprise , was shenzhen citizen recommended 2001 “ abide by contract , keep good faith “ enterprise , 2002 shenzhen city 3 十年來,好來居始終堅持以嚴格的管理,個性的設計、專業的施工和優良的服務贏得了社會的認可:榮獲1999年全國家居裝飾優秀企業、 2000年深圳十佳裝飾企業、 2000年深圳優秀企業、 2001年深圳放心家裝企業、 2001年環保家裝優秀企業、 2001年深圳市民推薦“重合同、守信用”企業、 2002年深圳市3


The company ' s technique is abundant . under the leader of national famous expert , all engineers word hard and manufacture all kind of high quality wood lacquer . our product has fresh color , luster is gorgeous , and expert into japan ' s industry . the standard has attained international advanced level . so , our product is approbated by lot of large furniture manufactories 公司技術力量雄厚,在國內知名涂料主任工程師的領導下,全體技術人員共同努力,潛心研制各類高品質木器漆系列,產品色澤鮮艷,漆膜高雅大方,質量達到了國際同類產品先進水平,得到了各地眾多家具制造廠等客戶的一致認可和好評。

What hold system of card mount guard to carry out strength as foreign trade industry is progressively strengthen , foreign trade is getting from job seniority certificate unit of increasing choose and employ persons and to apply for a job person approbate , the to foreign trade talent demand on the market is higher and higher also 隨著外貿行業持證上崗制度實施力度的逐步加強,外貿從業資格證書正受到越來越多用人單位與求職者的認可,市場上對外貿人才的要求也越來越高。

In this thesis , i argumentate the whole scheme of embedded measurement and control system platform : microsoft windows ce rtos and intel strongarm 1110 microprocesser ; the communication ports including 10m ethernet port , 9 pin rs232 port and gpio . lastly , specially analyzing software and hardware design of ethernet port , rs232 port and watchdog module . the measurement and control system based embedded system has been delivered to consumers to use , and due to its high stability and reliability , consumers highly approbate it 文中論證了嵌入式測控系統平臺的整體方案:微處理器采用intel公司32位strongarm1110 ,實時操作系統( rtos )采用windowsce ,通信接口有ethernet網絡接口、 rs232串行通信接口以及通用輸入/輸出( gpio ) ;深入剖析了系統平臺硬件、軟件的體系結構及開發流程;重點說明了系統平臺的通信模塊? ?以太網通信端口和串行通信端口以及wdt / lvs (看門狗/低壓檢測)模塊的設計與實現方法。

The writer summary the value of the system for three aspect : refreshing infringement liability to pay compensation , equilibrium conflict of interest and the economy social resource . first , the writer analysed the defects of the satisfaction ability insufficiency of the infringement liability to pay compensation while reply the road way road accident . approbate comparison the liability insurance system 筆者通過價值分析方法,揭示了其區別于一般責任保險的獨特制度價值,并對機動車第三者責任強制保險的基本法律關系和受害第三人直接請求權進行了深入剖析,以求完善人們對此制度的認識。

In the fourth part , some methods such as key case study , observation and interview are adopted to analyze the deep signification of teachers “ professional experience under the current management system , such as restraint and unfairness , the feeling that it ' s hard to be approbated by the school authority , etc . these negative attitudes have greatly obstructed the realization of the organization aims and development of the school 論文的第四部分主要用關鍵事件法、觀察法、生活史的訪談法來深入分析現行管理制度和組織氛圍之一f教師職業體驗的深層含義:諸如壓制與不公, “不儀僅是錢本身、權本身的問題,而是大部分教師認為很難得到學校領導的認可”等等,并且這些教師的消極態度,已經影響了學校組織目標的實現,阻礙了學校的發展。

Application estate counterpoises initiative register should submit following document : ? one , land access belongs to a proof ; ? 2 , building permit ; ? 3 , construction permit ; ? 4 , building complete checks and accept card ; ? 5 , the book of complete settle accounts with the authorized orgnaization that appoints via municipal government ; ? 6 , complete of building design general layout , building pursues ( include monomer to build plane , establish ) of face , profile ; ? 7 , the measurement that the mechanism that register approbates orgnaization transaction of issued on - the - spot mapping result 申請房地產權初始登記應提交下列文件: ?一、土地使用權屬證實; ?二、建筑許可證; ?三、施工許可證; ?四、建筑物竣工驗收證; ?五、經市政府指定的機構審定的竣工結算書; ?六、建筑設計總平面圖、建筑物竣工圖(包括單體建筑平面、立面、剖面圖) ; ?七、登記機關認可的測量機構出具的實地測繪結果報告書。

After hope undergraduate enters working station , want to be made from the respect with special low demand above all , working environment , company treatment , working environment , want to consider from the toughest side , such ability maintain a better state of mind , i miss the work that still tries hard , modest study , meet those who win colleague and his superior approbate certainly , his grow to be met fast 希望大學生進入工作崗位以后,首先要從非常要求低的方面做起,工作環境,公司待遇,工作的環境,要從最艱苦方面考慮,這樣才能保持一個比較好的心態,我想還是努力的工作,虛心的學習,一定會贏得同事和他的上級的認可,他的成長就會快。

Impulsion trains numerous project to undertake with group kind , highlight organization , plan , harmonious effect , emphasize care , accredit , cooperation , these accumulate the training mode that collect abounds modern article spirit and administrative intention gets enterprise or business the welcome of the unit and approbate 原動力訓練眾多項目以團隊方式進行,突出組織、計劃、協調的作用,強調關心、信任、合作,這些蘊集豐富現代人文精神和管理內涵的訓練模式深受企事業單位的歡迎和認可。

The 23rd production , operation is small the taxpayer that does not have the ability that build zhang truly again , meeting personnel builds the wealth that can invite the professional orgnaization that pursues business of accountant representative charge to an account via approval to perhaps be approbated via the tax authority for you zhang and conduction zhang wu ; invite afore - mentioned orgnaizations or personnel has real difficulty , via approval of prefectural above tax authority , can the regulation according to the tax authority , establish proof of income and expenses register of sales of stickup book , stock or royalities charges unit 第二十三條生產、經營規模小又確無建賬能力的納稅人,可以聘請經批準從事會計代理記賬業務的專業機構或者經稅務機關認可的財會人員代為建賬和辦理賬務;聘請上述機構或者人員有實際困難的,經縣以上稅務機關批準,可以按照稅務機關的規定,建立收支憑證粘貼簿、進貨銷貨登記簿或者使用稅控裝置。

Come 10 years , good will reside hold to from beginning to end with rigorous management , the design of individual character , professional construction and good service won a society approbate : have the honor to win whole 1999 country to reside adornment preeminent company , did 10 beautiful decorate shenzhen 2000 is shenzhen enterprise , outstanding 2000 enterprise , is shenzhen at ease 2001 is outfit of environmental protection home an outfit enterprise , outstanding 2001 enterprise , was shenzhen citizen recommended 2001 “ abide by contract , keep good faith “ enterprise , 2002 shenzhen city 3 十年來,好來居始終堅持以嚴格的管理,個性的設計、專業的施工和優良的服務贏得了社會的認可:榮獲1999年全國家居裝飾優秀企業、 2000年深圳十佳裝飾企業、 2000年深圳優秀企業、 2001年深圳放心家裝企業、 2001年環保家裝優秀企業、 2001年深圳市民推薦“重合同、守信用”企業、 2002年深圳市3

To the study and practice of this subject , the author take two years in shanghai xinhai customs declaration co . ltd . to practise . the first year ( 2001 ) we establish data base , and all datas of declaration course are put into computer ; the second years ( 2002 ) we use aboved datas to evaluate the performance of every department of shanghai xinhai customs declaration co . ltd . the result is approbated by every departments , all of us think it justness and justice , and it can reflect the problems and achievements that exist in every departments . this technology is affirmed by shanghai customs , and is extended in declaration corporations and the other relatively corporations 作者用了兩年的時間在上海欣海報關有限公司對該課題進行了研究和實施,第一年( 2001年)是在全公司建立數據庫,將報關過程中的所有數據輸入電腦;第二年( 2002年)則利用上述數據對上海欣海報關有限公司各部門的績效成績進行評估,得出的績效結果得到了各部門的認可,大家認為比較公正、公平,比較準確地反映出部門的實際績效,也比較客觀的反映出部門中存在的問題和成績。

Commerciality individual housing borrows money ( mortgage loan namely ) compare loan of housing accumulation fund to want to the demand bearing of borrower comfortable a lot of , have the effective and resident status , natural person that has capacity of completely civil action to want to satisfy following condition to be able to apply for only : the profession that has stability , income and repay ability ; the capital fund that the bank is approbated serves as guaranty or impawn ; the unit of put on sale that buys housing with place signed the contract that buy a house or book of the intent that buy a house 商業性個人住房貸款(即按揭貸款)對借款人的要求相比住房公積金貸款要寬松許多,具有有效居留身份、有完全民事行為能力的自然人只要滿足下列條件即可申請:有穩定的職業、收入和償還能力;有銀行認可的資產作為抵押或質押;與所購住房的發售單位簽訂了購房合同或購房意向書。

School work certificate is to show the school etc that approval is established or approbates via the country teachs an orgnaization , the gets pedagogue to issue proof document that provides school work to orgnaization of other perhaps education is registered formally and was being finished in this school , the form that uses letter tries account 學業證書是指經國家批準設立或者認可的學校及其他教育機構,對在該學校或者其他教育機構正式注冊并完成了規定學業的受教育者頒發的證實文件,采用證書的形式加以記載。

Whether to approbate to denying a society then for , will tell from the country , this record of formal schooling is national approbatory , but will tell to unit of choose and employ persons , have some of unit or do not approbate to this diploma , the invite applications for a job that belongs to individual unit is individual behavior 對于是否社會是否認可來說,從國家來講,這個學歷是國家承認的,但是對于用人單位來講,有些單位還是對這個文憑不認可,屬于個別單位的招聘個別行為。

Had corrected its to violate the act that insurance code decides through rectifying when the insurance company that is consolidated , make its of the drawing of each reserve and capital handle the demand that obtains legal provision ; reinsurance cent gives business course to adjust , the insurance liability that makes its leave insurance cost to assume oneself accords with legal standard ; not competent company controller gets adjustment with concerned administrator ; put when harm company compensate pays ability and the issue that harm insurant interest no longer , approbate via rectifying an organization , after report finance supervises management department to approve , by finance supervisory management department decides to end pair of this companies rectify , give announcement 當被整頓的保險公司經過整頓已經糾正其違反保險法規定的行為,使其各項預備金的提存和資金的運用達到法律規定的要求;再保險分出業務經過調整,使其自留保費承擔的保險責任符合法定的標準;不稱職的公司負責人和有關治理人員得到調整;不再存在危害公司賠付能力和損害被保險人利益的問題時,經整頓組織認可,報告金融監督治理部門批準后,由金融監督治理部門決定結束對該公司的整頓,并予以公告。

The 2nd , of the former ingoing that buy a house , the area that buy a house or amount accord with a condition among them but ingoing , the policy after adjusting has area restriction only , unified for above of 90 square metre , without amount limitation , and the signs with unit of our city choose and employ persons labor contract that needs to offer labor management department to approbate at the same time and social security branch issue in social security of our city successive pay the proof of 1 year of above 第二,原購房遷入的,購房面積或金額其中一項符合條件可遷入,調整后的政策只有面積限制,統一為90平方米以上,無金額限制,而且需同時提供勞動治理部門認可的與我市用人單位簽訂的勞動合同以及社保部門出具的在我市連續繳納社保1年以上的證實。

The standards of nvq are set up by the people engaged in construction industry , which base on the professional operational skill and the behavior in the construction industry . nvq system is approbated by employers and other organizations , and it has greatly promoted english construction industrial development 二、英國建立了完善的nvq國家執業資格標準,是由行業制定、為行業服務、被雇主和用人單位所認可的,是以操作能力標準和實踐表現為基礎的資格標準。