
approachable adj.1.可進入的。2.易接近的;易交談的,平易近人的...

In the future , lenovo mobile is to progressively build a brand image of being approachable , stylish , simple , innovative & high quality , and will strive to further improve its competitiveness in each area , in order to evolve into a national and global mobile communications product supplier with talented employees , high level of efficiency and top - class products 在未來,聯想移動將塑造一個“輕松、時尚、簡單、科技、品質“的品牌形象,并不斷提升各環節的競爭力,逐步發展成為一個擁有精英人才、卓越效率、一流產品,中國一流、全球主流的移動通信產品提供商。


Our purpose is not to gain your confidence or your friendship personally , to make you feel that i m good , i m very friendly , that you can approach me , or that i m approachable . so don t ever feel hurt , or fantasize that you can talk to me personally or make a friendship personally . that s not necessary 所以,我不是要來讓你們相信我或是建立私人的友誼,也不是要讓你們覺得我很好很友善,覺得我很和藹可親,所以不用感到難過,也不要幻想可以和我私底下談話交朋友,這些都沒有必要,也不是我們的目的。

In the future , lenovo mobile is to progressively build a brand image of being approachable , stylish , simple , innovative & high quality , and will strive to further improve its competitiveness in each area , in order to evolve into a national and global mobile communications product supplier with talented employees , high level of efficiency and top - class products 在未來,聯想移動將塑造一個“輕松、時尚、簡單、科技、品質“的品牌形象,并不斷提升各環節的競爭力,逐步發展成為一個擁有精英人才、卓越效率、一流產品,中國一流、全球主流的移動通信產品提供商。

It may be that visual experience of particular facial features suggests that a person is safe or more approachable , both of which are desirable traits . dr little s research is being conducted in collaboration with the 有可能是曾在人們大腦中留下的某些獨特的面部特征暗示著這是一個“可靠的”或者說是更親切而容易接近的人,而這正是能夠讓人喜歡的兩種特質。 ”

In telling the story of the advance and decline in military technology between the rise of macedon and the fall of rome , she gives the reader a commendably approachable and lively tour of classical history 在講述馬其頓王朝的興盛和羅馬王朝的衰敗期間,軍事技術發展的進步和后退時,她讓讀者經歷了一個很好地可接受并且生動的經典歷史旅行。

This wine is the name given to a range of fresh . modern , vibrant and approachable wines from spain . this red wine originates from the warm sunny plateau in spain “西班牙太陽”系列紅酒均產自陽光和煦的西班牙半島,酒質清新迷人,是該系列酒的的共同特征。此款酒高雅宜人,適合室溫飲用,最宜搭配肉類、米飯、意大利面食和烤肉等。

Although it s not a gui , my original goal was to take an xslt processor , which is not exactly a user - friendly tool , and make it more approachable to webmasters by wrapping it with xm 雖然它不是gui ,但我最初目標是使用xslt處理器(確切地講,這個工具對用戶不太友好) ,并通過將xslt與xm捆綁在一起而使網站管理員更愿意使用它。

Medium - full bodied , dry , for laying down , cab - sauv / merlot , 13 % alc . beautiful sweet , ripe cassis fruit with notes of leather and earth make this soft , silky wine very approachable already 酒體介于中等和豐滿之間。干,耐藏,赤霞珠、梅洛,酒精度13 % 。香甜成熟的黑醋栗、皮革和泥土的風芳,口感如絲般柔滑。

Perhaps this method , originally designed for youngsters , provides our high - energy , outwardly - focused culture with an approachable gateway to a path of deeper spirituality 也許八支串聯瑜伽原始為年輕瑜珈士設計,提供我們高能量及外在集中的文化,是進入更深沉精神世界的網關。

Although danny has never received any formal training in art , and perhaps because of the lack of formal training , his paintings are easily approachable and accepted 雖然張先任從未受過正式的繪畫教育課程,或許就是因為他沒有正式拜師學過,使他的畫更容易讓人接近和接受。

This wine is the name given to a range of fresh . modern , vibrant and approachable wines from spain . this red wine originates from the warm sunny plateau in spain 這款葡萄酒的名字代表了新鮮、現代、鮮艷和親切的西班牙形象,產自于陽光溫暖的西班牙中部高原。

Paolo : my boss is very approachable . he believes in encouraging his employees to better themselves and the quality of their work 我的老板非常的平易近人。他認為鼓勵他的雇員不斷提高自我及他們的工作質量是非常好的提高效率的方法。

I am mild - tempered , approachable and patient ( sometimes active but can be an introvert at times ) . have a good sense of humor and is a good listener too 我很溫柔,平易近人,有耐心.同時我懂幽默,有時也是一個很好的聆聽者

This romantic , single - vineyard chianti estate balances the traditional rich style of chianti with a smooth , approachable character 這是一款單一葡萄園出產的經典坎蒂,充滿成熟的果香和少許從香草味,酒體均衡,優雅。

Beautiful sweet , ripe cassis fruit with notes of leather and earth make this soft , silky wine very approachable already 此酒洋溢著甜蜜的成熟夏季水果的芬芳并且有皮草和泥土的氣息.所有完美品質的結合使其口感更加柔順

Just drinking in the atmosphere will soften your reserve , making you much more approachable in the lobby or during intermission 在這些場合要是再有些酒精的刺激,你一定會沖破矜持,變得更加親切可愛了。

The fluent , approachable mr davis , who has been at mckinsey for 25 years , is happier talking about the future than the past 健談、隨和的戴維斯先生已在麥肯錫工作了25年,他更樂意談論將來而不是過去。

These tools are fully integrated into the integrated development environment to provide a seamless and approachable user experience 這些工具與集成開發環境完全( ide )全面集成,提供無縫的用戶體驗。

An elegant pinot noir that is approachable in style and whilst drinking well now will reward further cellaring 這是一款優雅的黑皮諾,口感非常優秀,現在已經非常合適飲用,陳年的口味會更佳。