
approach vt.1.向…接近,走近;使接近。2.探討;看待,對待,...

approach light

The republican sweeps at the approaching primaries . 共和黨在即將舉行的預選中大獲全勝。

Few writers can even approach shakespeare in greatness . 很少作家比得上莎士比亞的偉大。

This approach is unwieldy . 這種方法是很難實行的。

Two approaches are possible in yieldline theory . 屈服線的理論中可以有兩種解決的途徑。

As we approached her , she laid about her with a stick . 我們接近她時,她就揮棒亂打。

Hilbert called the above approach the genetic method . 希爾伯特稱以上的處理為原生法。

We present this approach in a pedestrian version . 我們用平鋪直敘的方式介紹這個方法。

He stared at her somberly as she approached him . 她向他走去的時候,他憂郁地瞪著她。

I've prayed often for the approach of what was coming . 我常常祈求,要來的就快來吧。

Her confinement was approaching . 她的分娩期臨近了。

Our guns covered every approach to the town . 我們的炮火控制了通往市區的各條道路。

High walls forbid all approach . 高墻遮斷,難以接近。

This approach is not a wise one . 這種設想是不明智的。

We tried a number of approaches . 我們探索了若干方法。

Feliks approached him rapidly . 費利克斯迅速向他走去。

Heavy footsteps signed the teacher 's approach . 沉重的腳步聲顯示教師已經走近了。

Let us explain this approach . 下面就來闡明這一種方法。

This fitted in well with the approach of our hosts . 這正好適合于我們主人的做法。

A more prosaic approach was used . 采用了較普通的方法。