
appro n.〔僅用于下列成語〕: on appro 〔俚語〕(商...


The main topics of the reseaerch include the intension and significance of aesthetic education in chinese reading teaching in sinior middle school and the design of the teaching of aesthetic judgement through reading , which is the teaching target , teaching programmes , the significance of the design in teaching appro ach and formation of the design principle and its contents 具體探討的內容包括高中語文閱讀教學審美化的內涵、意義;高中語文閱讀教學審美化教學設計,即閱讀教學目標、教學內容、教學方法的審美化設計意義、設計原則和內容構成。

Therefore , the horizontal structure of tc changes . the vertial structure of tc tilts southwestward from lower level to higher level before landfall , and , it becomes more tilted as the tc center appro 登陸前,熱帶氣旋具有自下而上向西南方向傾斜的垂直結構,并隨著熱帶氣旋接近陸地而傾斜加劇,這種垂直結構和變化可能是活動于中緯度的熱帶氣旋所特有的。

Using your thumb and palm ( use appro . 20 kgs strength ) to press it evenly on the product for about 60 sec . and wait until all glue stay on the wall surface 以拇指及手掌平均用力(約20公斤的力量)施壓于產品背座60秒以上,務必使膠條完全附著于強面,再將產品上蓋掛上。