
apprise vt.〔書面語〕報告,通知,告知。 apprise sb...

The company is apprised as “ shenzhen the trustworthy company from millions of citizens / favorite brand ” in june 2003 ; in april 2004 , the company is apprised as “ best ten brand of sanitary products from guang dong consumers ” ; again in 2005 , the company is apprised as “ 2005 best ten brand of the third chinese sanitary products ” ; in april 2006 , the company is apprised as “ 2006 best ten brand of chinese sanitary products from consumers ” 另外,美潔爾公司于2003年6月被評為“深圳市百萬市民心中的誠信企業/喜愛品牌” , 2004年4月被評為“ 2004年廣東最受消費者喜愛的洗滌用品十佳品牌” , 2005年初被評為“ 2005中國第三屆洗滌用品十佳品牌“ , 2006年4月被評為“ 2006年度中國最受消費者喜愛的洗滌類十佳品牌” 。

The paper want to solve one of the problem , using how to supply the pubic houses as the core part , and mainly analyzing its good and bad of the supply model of public houses . analyse the government heavily constructing housing , using private houses , government buiing houses , reassure government houses as pubilic housing , using the vacant houses as public houses and so on , analyzing these supply model ' s influence on real estate market , government “ s financial pressure , and the management of the public houses , and at last use the nsfdss ( non - structure fuzz decsion surport system ) apprasial method apprise these suppling model . connecting the facts of xi ' an , analyse the fitfull of the result 本文主要以廉租房保障制度實施中存在的問題之一? ?廉租房房源提供方式的優劣勢比較分析為核心內容,對廉租房的供房模式:政府集中興建、利用私房、政府出資購房、公房認定、利用空置房轉化等模式進行優劣勢比較分析,分析這些供房模式各自在推動房地產市場、減輕政府財政壓力、廉租戶管理、廉租房推出機制形成等方面的優劣勢,并利用nsfdss (非結構化模糊決策支持系統)評價方法綜合評價排序各供房模式,并結合實際情況對西安市實施廉租房制度時采取的供房模式進行適應性分析,為決策者決策選擇的理論指導依據,促進廉租房的發展。

The count opened the letter , and read : - “ m . de monte cristo is apprised that this night a man will enter his house in the champs - elys es with the intention of carrying off some papers supposed to be in the secretary in the dressing - room 伯爵拆開信,讀道: “茲通知基督山先生:今天晚上有人要到他香榭麗舍大道的家里去,想在更衣室的寫字臺里竊取某些文件。

“ m . morrel , “ said chateau - renaud , “ will you apprise the count of monte cristo that m . de morcerf is arrived , and we are at his disposal ? “莫雷爾先生, ”夏多勒諾說, “請你去通知基督山伯爵先生好嗎?說馬爾塞夫先生已經到了,我們在等候他的吩咐。 ”

“ half an hour will suffice to apprise them ; will you go for them yourself , or shall you send ? “半個鐘頭的時間已盡夠通知他們了,您親自去找他們還是派人去? ”

Said caderousse . “ you are right ; it is not you who should apprise m . danglars , it is i . “你說得對,應該去通知騰格拉爾先生的不是你,而是我。 ”

“ exactly what i wish for ; i will apprise my mother of my intention , and return to you . “正合我的意思,我要把這通知家母, ,再回到你這兒來。 ”


In this paper , oriented to listed bank in shanghai , shenzhen and hongkong , from the point of financial appraisal , based on proved study , our country ' s bank managing strength is apprised and corresponding policy advice about reform and development of our bank is put forward to 本文將研究對象定位于上市銀行,以滬、深、港上市銀行的財務評價為選題,從財務績效比較出發,以實證研究的數據為支撐,一對我國以上市銀行為代表的銀行經營實力作出客觀的評價,二對我國銀行業的改革和發展提出相應的政策建議。

The company is apprised as “ shenzhen the trustworthy company from millions of citizens / favorite brand ” in june 2003 ; in april 2004 , the company is apprised as “ best ten brand of sanitary products from guang dong consumers ” ; again in 2005 , the company is apprised as “ 2005 best ten brand of the third chinese sanitary products ” ; in april 2006 , the company is apprised as “ 2006 best ten brand of chinese sanitary products from consumers ” 另外,美潔爾公司于2003年6月被評為“深圳市百萬市民心中的誠信企業/喜愛品牌” , 2004年4月被評為“ 2004年廣東最受消費者喜愛的洗滌用品十佳品牌” , 2005年初被評為“ 2005中國第三屆洗滌用品十佳品牌“ , 2006年4月被評為“ 2006年度中國最受消費者喜愛的洗滌類十佳品牌” 。

The paper want to solve one of the problem , using how to supply the pubic houses as the core part , and mainly analyzing its good and bad of the supply model of public houses . analyse the government heavily constructing housing , using private houses , government buiing houses , reassure government houses as pubilic housing , using the vacant houses as public houses and so on , analyzing these supply model ' s influence on real estate market , government “ s financial pressure , and the management of the public houses , and at last use the nsfdss ( non - structure fuzz decsion surport system ) apprasial method apprise these suppling model . connecting the facts of xi ' an , analyse the fitfull of the result 本文主要以廉租房保障制度實施中存在的問題之一? ?廉租房房源提供方式的優劣勢比較分析為核心內容,對廉租房的供房模式:政府集中興建、利用私房、政府出資購房、公房認定、利用空置房轉化等模式進行優劣勢比較分析,分析這些供房模式各自在推動房地產市場、減輕政府財政壓力、廉租戶管理、廉租房推出機制形成等方面的優劣勢,并利用nsfdss (非結構化模糊決策支持系統)評價方法綜合評價排序各供房模式,并結合實際情況對西安市實施廉租房制度時采取的供房模式進行適應性分析,為決策者決策選擇的理論指導依據,促進廉租房的發展。

Apprised in time of the visit paid him , monte cristo had , from behind the blinds of his pavilion , as minutely observed the baron , by means of an excellent lorgnette , as danglars himself had scrutinized the house , garden , and servants 此時,基督山已經看到了男爵,他一得到男爵來訪的通知,就從他樓上的百葉窗里,用一副上等的劇場看演出時用的望遠鏡。把對方研究了一番,其觀察之細密并不亞于騰格拉爾對他房屋,花園和仆人的制服的觀察。

It was on the impulse of the moment that he had resolved to trot over to emminster , and hence had not written to apprise his mother and father , aiming , however , to arrive about the breakfast hour , before they should have gone out to their parish duties 他是由于一時的沖動而決定回愛敏寺的,因此他事先并沒有寫信告訴他的母親和父親,不過他希望能夠在吃早飯的時候到家,在他的父母還沒有出門去教區工作之前見到他們。

I had my own reasons for being dismayed at this apparition ; too well i remembered the perfidious hints given by mrs . reed about my disposition , etc . ; the promise pledged by mr . brocklehurst to apprise miss temple and the teachers of my vicious nature 見到這個幽靈,我有理由感到喪氣。我記得清清楚楚,里德太太曾惡意地暗示過我的品行等等,布羅克赫斯特先生曾答應把我的惡劣本性告訴坦普爾小姐和教師們。

The count opened the letter , and read : - “ m . de monte cristo is apprised that this night a man will enter his house in the champs - elys es with the intention of carrying off some papers supposed to be in the secretary in the dressing - room 伯爵拆開信,讀道: “茲通知基督山先生:今天晚上有人要到他香榭麗舍大道的家里去,想在更衣室的寫字臺里竊取某些文件。

Despite an agreement between labor and management to keep the print and electronic media apprised developments , the details of the negotiations were withheld all but a few journalists from the major metropolitan newspapers 盡管勞資雙發達成一致就談判的內容告知出版界和電子媒體,談判的細節卻出了來自主要城市的報紙之外都予以保留。

If you had not suggested our marriage , my servant would not have gone to the reverend samuel wilson s , i should not have been apprised of my error , and - dear mr fogg ! said the young woman 如果您不跟我提出結婚的問題,我的仆人就不會去找薩繆爾威爾遜神甫,那也就不會有人告訴我弄錯了日期,所以” “親愛的福克”年輕的夫人說。

The u . s . - china economic and security review commission commends the committee for holding this important hearing and appreciates the opportunity to apprise the committee of its work in this area 美中經濟和安全審議委員會對貴委員會舉行這次重要的聽證會表示贊賞,并重視這次正式向貴委員會通報在這個領域的工作情況的機會。

He did seek , and has found him , apparently , since he is here now ; and , finally , my friend apprised me of your coming , and gave me a few other instructions relative to your future fortune 他真的去找了,而且顯然已找到了他,因為他現在已經在這兒了。最后,敝友通知我您快要來了,并且給了我有關您前途的幸福的指令。

I have pleasure in apprising you that , under the auspices of several highly respected and influential houses here , i have commenced business as a shipping and insurance broker and general agent 我十分高興地通知您,在當地幾家有名望、有影響力的公司的支持下,我開設了輪船與保險的經紀業及總代理店。