
apprentice n.1.徒弟,學徒;學徒工。2.見習生,生手,初學者。短...

“poor sissy! he had better have apprenticed her,“ said childers, giving his hair another shake, as he looked up from the empty box. “now, he leaves her without anything to take to. “ “可憐的西絲,他早就該叫她拜師傅,”齊兒德斯從空箱子那兒抬起頭來,又甩了一下他的頭發說。“現在卻使得她無事可做。”

apprentice seaman

2006 best apprentice competition 2006最佳汽車學徒比賽暨頒獎典禮

Because the council did not trust you , my young apprentice 我年輕的徒弟因為絕地長老會不信任你

[ all laugh ] at that time i had an apprentice 當時我有一個學徒。

Soon i will have a new apprentice . . 很快我就會有一個新的徒弟… …

Current and recommended starting salaries for the apprentice ranks 學徒職級現行及建議入職薪酬

Faith in your new apprentice misplaced may be 你高估了你的新徒弟

The boy was apprenticed to a silversmith 這男孩是一個銀匠的學徒。

He was apprenticed to a master silversmith 他跟銀匠師傅拜師學藝。

They come here to apprentice me . yeah 他們來這里給我當徒弟的是嗎

He began his career as an apprentice 他以當學徒開始他的職業生涯。

The shop is taking on two new apprentices 這個商店新收了兩個學徒。

Because the council did not trust you , my young apprentice , 因為長老會并不信任你,我的徒兒

1936 apprentice of decorator on ceramic , schwezer pottery 1936年在施韋策陶瓷廠學習陶藝裝飾

Unfortunately , he taught his apprentice everything he knew 他把所有的知識傳授給了他的徒弟

I hear a new apprentice you have , emperor 陛下,我聽說你有了個新徒弟

He taught his apprentice everything he knew , 他將其所能教給了他的徒弟

I hear a new apprentice , you have , emperor , 我聽說你收了個新徒弟,皇帝

The painting was finished by his apprentice 這幅畫是由他的徒弟完成的。