
apprehensive adj.1.憂慮的,擔心的。2.有理解力的,善于領會的,...

“ when the kids come in , they ' re always apprehensive about physics , “ says fredrick olness , chairman of the physics department at southern methodist university 孩子進來上課時,總是對物理學感到恐懼,美南衛理公會大學的物理系主任費德列克歐尼斯如此解釋。

“ it is a chain reaction . yesterday ' s killing was a very high - profile killing , and we were apprehensive of the backlash , which happened more quickly than we expected . 這是個連鎖反應.昨天的暗殺有鮮明姿態,我們理解它的強烈反響,它比我們預期的還來的快

“ enough ! “ said hegward , apprehensive the unconscious sisters might comprehend the nature of the detention “算啦! ”海沃德說道,唯恐那兩位還不知究竟的姑娘會發現他們停下的原因。

“enough!“ said hegward, apprehensive the unconscious sisters might comprehend the nature of the detention . “算啦!”海沃德說道,唯恐那兩位還不知究竟的姑娘會發現他們停下的原因。


Accustomed to the system , singaporeans have become apprehensive about anything banned by law , because any violation either a crime or a mere blunder will incur sure penalties with little room for mitigation 因為只要稍不小心,事不管大小,一旦違例,必定受到制裁,沒有任何回旋的余地。

With regard to politically alien elements we should not be off our guard , but neither should we be unduly apprehensive of treachery on their part and adopt excessive precautionary measures 對待政治異己分子,不可對他們不警戒;但也不可過于恐懼他們的叛變,而采取過分的警戒手段。

Such reductions often involve tortuous negotiations between different organisations and governments , all apprehensive about losing “ sovereignty ” over their portion of the sky 類似的航線縮短通常都會牽涉不同組織和政府間的曲折談判,它們都對喪失領空“主權”表示憂慮。

“ when the kids come in , they ' re always apprehensive about physics , “ says fredrick olness , chairman of the physics department at southern methodist university 孩子進來上課時,總是對物理學感到恐懼,美南衛理公會大學的物理系主任費德列克歐尼斯如此解釋。

It ' s natural to feel scared and apprehensive when venturing into the unknown , but ultimately living within your comfort zone is all very safe , but not very life enhancing 它的自然感到害怕,離別時再談未知、但最終你生活舒適區是很安全的,但不是很生活提高

This was totally unexpected , and i felt very apprehensive about such an important job that would have me speaking in front of master and so many other people 因事先我沒有料到,要在師父及其他許多人面前講話,所以這么重要的一件工作,讓我心中很掛慮。

“ it is a chain reaction . yesterday ' s killing was a very high - profile killing , and we were apprehensive of the backlash , which happened more quickly than we expected . 這是個連鎖反應.昨天的暗殺有鮮明姿態,我們理解它的強烈反響,它比我們預期的還來的快

She turned away , and as though afraid rostov might ascribe her words to a desire to work on his feelings , she glanced at him with a look of apprehensive inquiry 她轉過臉去,然而,她怕羅斯托夫以為她是有意引起他的憐憫,她疑惑地驚慌地看了看他。

Twilight phantoms are they yet moulded in prophetic grace of structure , slim shapely haunches , a supple tendonous neck , the meek apprehensive skull 伊等乃一片朦朧中之幻影,然而婀娜多姿,腰肢纖細優美,脖頸柔和矯健,面容溫順,頭腦聰慧。

Although my wife was very apprehensive of my new lifestyle , she was delighted to have this new husband - a person who actually had energy and life 雖然她對我新的生活方式很擔心,但她很高興有了一個新的丈夫一個具有真正活力和生命的人。

He should not be swayed by public clamor or consideration of personal popularity , or be apprehensive of unjust criticism 他不應為公眾的喧囂所左右,不應對自己的聲望患得患辯護人,也不應害怕不公正的批評。

Occasionally a drizzle came down , and the intermittent flashes of lightening made us turn apprehensive glances toward zero 偶爾下一點毛毛雨,斷斷續續的閃電使得我們不時憂慮地朝著零區方向望去。

Occasionally a drizzle came down , and the intermittent flashes of lightning made us turn apprehensive glances toward zero 偶而下一點毛毛雨,斷斷續續的閃電使得我們不時憂慮地朝著零區方向望去。

There was a something in her countenance which made him listen with an apprehensive and anxious attention , while she added , 韋翰見她說話時臉上有種形容不出的表情,心中不免有些害怕和焦急。

Sometimes i think when you re working , you feel apprehensive about becoming successful because your ego will grow with it 有時候我在工作時,會擔心自己如果有所成就,我執會隨之增長。