
apprehension n.1.理解(力);領悟。2.見解。3.逮捕 (opp....

“it's just a book,“ she said evasively, looking about with apprehension . “就是一本書唄,”她推托著說,提心吊膽地四下看看。

“no, no,“ cried trina, with instinctive apprehension . “不,不。”屈麗娜一聽不由著了慌,大聲叫道。


Apprehension to the schematic research in the report of geological exploration 對地質勘查報告中概略研究的認識

According to popular apprehension 根據一般人的意見

We waited for their decision with a great deal of apprehension 我們懷著極其焦慮的心情等待他們作出決定。

Astonishment , apprehension , and even horror , oppressed her 她感到十分驚訝和疑慮,甚至還有幾分恐怖。

Grace waited for his appraisal with agreat deal of apprehension 格蕾絲懷著巨大的擔憂等待他的評價。

The thief , after his apprehension , escaped 這賊被捕后又逃了。

The student looked around the examination room with apprehension 那名學生恐懼地觀看檢查室的四周。

He felt some apprehension over the result 他對結果有點擔心。

She is a girl of weak apprehension 她是一個理解力很低的女孩。

She queried , with sudden apprehension , in one of the pauses 在一次停頓時她突然憂心忡忡地問道。

But instead of apprehension and interrogation , 但沒有扣留和審問,

I ' m so worried . such worries , nightmares , apprehensions 我很擔心那么的擔心,做惡夢,恐懼

We felt no little apprehension over the result 我們對結果甚為憂慮。

Said mr . cruncher , with signs of angry apprehension 克朗徹先生說,表現出洞察一切的氣憤。

We entertain no apprehension for our safety 我們并不擔心自己的安全問題。

Inquired the young girl , trembling with apprehension 那年輕姑娘渾身顫抖。

But instead of apprehension and interrogation , 但我們卻不去拘捕和審問他們