
apprehensible adj.可理解的。 not apprehensible ...


When ancient masters tried to describe the truth , they usually explained it through words and language . few of them did it through celestial jewelry , celestial clothing and paintings as master does . in this way , master has turned the truth into a visual art , made it easier to understand and apprehensible at a glance , and related it closely to daily life 古代的明師在敘述真理時,往往以文字語言來闡釋,很少人像師父用天飾天衣圖畫等,把真理轉化成視覺藝術,使真理淺顯易懂一目了然,并深深地與日常生活結合。

It is right apprehensible for higher system of a kind of performance another a kind of system of in lieu of process , and also apprehensible for right a production line for better system , return apprehensible for the ameliorative process that the system of the interpersonal bargain activity construction 它既可理解為一種效益更高的制度對另一種制度的替代過程,也可理解為對一種更有效益制度的生產過程,還可理解為人與人之間交易活動的制度結構的改善過程。

Knowledge discovery in database is a rather active research domain that involves statistics , database , etc . it is an unusual process that finds out the effective , fresh , latent - effective mode which can be finally apprehensible 數據庫知識發現( kdd )是涉及統計學、數據庫等學科的一門相當活躍的研究領域,是從數據集中識別出有效的、新穎的、潛在有效的以及最終可理解的模式的非平凡過程。

Now , looking back at my most difficult days is really frightening , i was almost paralyzed in bed and could not move ; most fearful thing is pain , and such pain is not apprehensible without personal experience 當我回想過去的那些年來,我差點癱瘓于病床上,不能動彈。最可怕的是那疼痛的感覺。若非身歷其境,是難以理解的。

Kdd ( knowledge discovery in databases ) can find out the effective , novel , latent , and apprehensible information 知識發現( kdd )能夠從數據庫中識別出有效的、新穎的、潛在有用的、以及最終可理解的信息。