
apprehend vt.1.理解,領悟。2.逮捕,捉拿;拘押。3.怕,憂慮...

“ at last , i apprehended his meaning . “最后,我領會了他的意思。


On self - defence of policemen in tracking down and apprehending criminals 談民警在查緝行動中的自衛準備

Do not try to apprehend her yourselves . max , you ' re in charge 千萬別擅自試圖逮捕她麥克絲,你是組長

Is the danger you apprehended last night gone by now , sir “你昨晚擔心的危險現在沒有了嗎,先生? ”

As a result , 25 people were apprehended 行動中拘捕了25人。

Do not under any circumstances apprehend 任何情況下也別抓他

I have just apprehended the culprits who robbed the bank of england 我剛剛抓到搶劫英國銀行的罪犯

Was apprehended and unmasked by three unusual dairy cows . 是如何被三只不尋常的奶牛捉住的故事”

Which , ipso facto , is apprehended by its performer as that pattern 行動者可以那種模式理解行動。

“ at last , i apprehended his meaning . “最后,我領會了他的意思。

At the possibility of a killer robot being apprehended 發言暗示警方逮捕了一具會殺人的機器人

In apprehending this man , william sykes .威廉塞克斯這個人感興趣

You apprehend me very clearly , mr . barsad “你很理解,巴薩先生。

A guilty man apprehends danger in every sound 一個做了虧心事的人聽到每一響聲都如同驚弓之鳥。

Do you apprehend there will be any difficulty 你怕有任何困難嗎?

Well , a boom - fucking - boom one . i apprehended a transvestite 蹦一聲爆炸,我逮捕了一個人妖

. . . in apprehending this man , william sykes . . .威廉?塞克斯這個人感興趣

Was agent manning able to apprehend the suspect 曼寧特工確認嫌犯了嗎?

Between finding , apprehending and convicting murderers 在尋找線索,了解案情和抓捕殺人犯