
appreciator n.鑒別者;賞識者;鑒賞者。


This article discusses the law of preference difference among music appreciators from the subjective and objective elements of music aesthetics 本文從音樂審美的主觀因素與客觀因素出發,探討了音樂審美主體的偏好差異規律。

Characteristic of the skin of a shank of ox , the simple appearance has obtained the appreciator s favor , it is popular to be luxuriant for a time 牛只頸部皮膚的特徵,質樸的外觀曾獲得鑒賞家的青睞,一度蔚為流行。

Music appreciation is a kind of aesthetic activity , with the appreciators from different social strata 摘要音樂欣賞是一種感性的審美活動,欣賞者的結構是多種多樣的,是由不同層次的人組成的。

Due to the diversity in the structure of appreciators , they have different preference to music 因而,音樂審美主體對音樂審美客體的偏好也迥然各異。